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Re: What is a sector of space time

Verfasst: Dienstag 29. September 2020, 20:12
von UesugiKenshin
For all we know, a "void in space time" may be a type of natural cloaking that proves resistent to galactic mapping. So imagine how perilous that would be. As a captain of a starship, you would approach and go where angels fear to tread...because you would be blind.

There are episodes where a starship would enter a nebula because "sensors are useless there" and you could just collide by the time it occurred to the crew that they were right on top of another vessel on an accidental intercept course.

Terran diplomat (hysterical) "Oh good heavens. We're going to collide. BRAKE BRAKE!"

Captain (irritated) "There are no brakes on a starship."

Re: What is a sector of space time

Verfasst: Dienstag 29. September 2020, 20:22
von UesugiKenshin
To be a sailor in 1492, required a brave soul, probably in desperate economic circumstances as a 4th son where he was not going to inherit, not be a priest, or be a soldier, so he went to sea. And it was a vast terrifying unknown. The weather could be calm, and the sails would be empty, and you could die of hunger and thirst as you sure can't row. The winds may rage with gale force winds and you would bob around like a tiny helpless cork in an immense ocean. Maybe you drown. Maybe the entire ship gets exposed to a contagion during a trade. Maybe you die of scuvy related illness. Maybe you get lost as nobody has been there before.

That aspect of being an astronaut is seldom discussed, but outer space is literally the most dangerous place to be. We don't know what we don't know.

Re: What is a sector of space time

Verfasst: Dienstag 29. September 2020, 20:29
von UesugiKenshin
What if the warp drive goes out and you limp along on impulse power? What if life support fails? What if the navigation computer goes out as even if every crewmember sat down with calculators for a hundred years, they couldn't solve the route? What if you lose the sensor array? What if artificial gravity is lost? What if you are defenseless without shields? What if hull integrity is failing? What if the main bridge crew is sick?

You would just about have to be so self-confident that you would be cocky to go exploring in space.

Re: What is a sector of space time

Verfasst: Samstag 3. Oktober 2020, 03:16
von UesugiKenshin
Look at that first post again.

Now imagine if something new came along that was like BotE for Android, but was a seperate space 4X game made by the same developer, but a game with ads or a $5-10 game.

This game was similar but had 83 star systems along a x,y,and z axis within 20 light years. Not every one would be inhabitable, but many would be with terraforming. To attack, you probably pick weaker colonies to draw the enemy to you, as they would dispatch ships or a fleet or fleets.

And that sector might have 83 stars x9 planets equalling 847 planets... just in one sector!

That would be amazing. And if that had the potential for multiplayer with friends and a campaign editor/map editor and 20 levels of tech and all the stories elements that would pop up from time to time, that would certainly be worth $10, right?

There genuinely is nothing like that now for Android tablets. The closest would be Distant Worlds Universe and that is very expensive and has to realistically run on at least a Windows 7 laptop with 4 gb.

See I believe there is a huge untapped potential and BotE for Android could be the free game introducing concepts, but a next generation using similar ideas in 3D space (as it would impossible to the dimension of time) would sell millions of copies. It would be essential software.

And it's not that complicated.

What is complicated and realistic is combat would be very tricky as it's not at all easy like players think to interdict another starship due to speed and manueverability and the z axis. So raiding would be common and frustrating. You would need a lot of ships to converge on pirates.

Re: What is a sector of space time

Verfasst: Samstag 3. Oktober 2020, 03:22
von UesugiKenshin
If some empires sends raiders to your colonies, there would be Hell to pay as then other empires would retaliate.

But for this to work requires presets as I doubt the AI is smart enough to muster sufficient forces to even defend well, much less mount an orchestrated campaign of waves of invasions.

Probably this is done by campaign scripting as the AI is told to send ships here and there on certain turn numbers, and then once clearing the area in the sector, then launch a ground invasion. So it's not the AI doing the strategy, but a human programmer. The AI handles the combat resolution and mundane tasks.

Re: What is a sector of space time

Verfasst: Samstag 3. Oktober 2020, 03:27
von UesugiKenshin
Other science fiction games have missions and that is campaign scripting again. Essentially these missions are presets and handling logistics and orchestrating either attacks or defenses which the AI handles. But the strategy is done by how the campaign scripting is set up.

Not every mission is a battle. Some would be to do research in the fastest time. Some would be to build certain ships in a certain time. It would be mining so many resources in a set time. It would be terraforming all the planets in a sector in a set time.

I think players would eat that up like candy as they are all logical puzzles.

Re: What is a sector of space time

Verfasst: Samstag 3. Oktober 2020, 03:33
von UesugiKenshin
Or create a new version that is free and runs ads and is a standard software on new tablets. It would be widely popular. It pauses and you watch a video and the players who do get credits in the game and thus facilitates faster growth of infrastructure. You don't have to earn those credits, as I've explained how to mainipulate resource prices. But probably 90% of players would watch the videos as it would be much faster so they could dominate the galaxy faster.

There are a surprising number of attractive game elements in BotE for Android, but it's languishing in such obscurity that the only way you can find it on the Amazon app store is by typing in the name. I went through pages and pages of Android strategy games and never came across BotE. That is weird. If someone types Android space strategy game in the Amazon window, BotE should be number #1...and it's not at all.

Re: What is a sector of space time

Verfasst: Samstag 3. Oktober 2020, 03:44
von UesugiKenshin
When any space vessels enters the atmosphere, there is an electrically charges plasma and the ship is on FIRE and has to have heat shielding.

This shows that effect and so poorly charting a course could bring the crew against the outer layers of the atmosphere. And of course, you would routinely see this when doing a landing party to the surface. Like in BotE for Android when using a transport to bring down levels of combat troops.

Re: What is a sector of space time

Verfasst: Samstag 3. Oktober 2020, 03:48
von UesugiKenshin
Away missions and entering orbit is DANGEROUS so much so that new astronauts on their first mission would screw up in tiny ways and might perish.

Those low level grunts are green and their lack of experience might lead to crew error.

Maybe they come in at a bad angle, or too fast a descent and lose control, the gravity is higher, or there is bad weather on approach, or the ship is damaged as there was space combat and hull integrity is not 100%.

That would be such an interesting game.

Re: What is a sector of space time

Verfasst: Donnerstag 22. Oktober 2020, 07:45
von UesugiKenshin
On October 6, 2020, The Phenomena became available for streaming. It is the most recent UFO documentary. Within it, former Senator Harry Reid admitted that ufos have powered down nuclear missiles and in effect temporarily disabling them both in the USA and the former USSR. In addition Dr. Jacques Vallee performs a detailed scientific analysis of some recovered physical evidence which was manufactured at the atomic level, a process which is entirely impossible using our technology today.

Re: What is a sector of space time

Verfasst: Freitag 23. Oktober 2020, 23:38
von UesugiKenshin
One of the most compelling problems with space time exploration is these colonies would be so distant that several things could easily happen.

1. Colonies who are so far away can't communicate well. There would be a terrible hunger to know not just what is happening on home sectors, but one's family members might be anywhere in the galaxy on a diplomatic military exploration through a mission. Or they might be a scientist at some distant starbase. Or they could be on a remote colony studying or building the infrastructure of that planet. News would be terribly limited and the communication network strictly limited for government use...not personal use.

2. When that happens in history, colonies assert their own self-determination and autonomy. They resent taxation and that is in proportion to their reliance on goods and services from the home sector. Watch out if they are self-reliant yet ae expected to buy overpriced goods from home. That started the American Revolution.

3. In history, the Vikings had issues where they could not control many factors that limited travel due to the mini-Ice Age and so colonies in Iceland and the New World withered and died or changed by the introduction of indigenous people. There were limited numbers of people who could marry and so they married locals and this affected their culture.

There is no hint of indigenous people, but in a galaxy, they woul exist and there would be every kind of reaction from being grateful for terraforming to a collapse of their existing way of life by meddling too. Maybe terraforming kills off their food supply or ruins their mining. Or maybe their culture rapidly rises and overwhelms the colonists. That frequently happened.

Re: What is a sector of space time

Verfasst: Freitag 23. Oktober 2020, 23:50
von UesugiKenshin
Lonely people far away from home will fall in love with these indigenous people and with minor races and with fellow crew members. Military starships will either embrace families or lose discipline and no one will sign for recruitment. People will want to settle down and start families.

The homesector will become less and less relevant to them. Obviously some family members will join and some spouses will be serving in support roles. Military academies will spring up everywere. Governance will begin through military channels but have local flavors based upon cultural norms.

There is a lot of unspoken activity in BotE which if it is communicated adds to the rich tapestry of the experience.

Re: What is a sector of space time

Verfasst: Freitag 13. November 2020, 11:31
von UesugiKenshin
An interesting future stellar anomaly would be one that limits the warp speed so the starships get bogged down by passing through the region.

Not every stellar anomaly should be that negative that they would be entirely avoided. In fact, stellar anomalies should be studied and so starships should be encouraged to take scans of the phenomena produced.

It would be interesting if certain classes had protection by advanced shielding so they would intentionally pass through the region or else how does anyone know what the effects are?

A battle within such a region would still be perilous like fighting in a spatial rift.

Re: What is a sector of space time

Verfasst: Freitag 13. November 2020, 11:34
von UesugiKenshin
What if passing a transport of troops through some stellar anomalies actually exposed them to cosmic radiation and enhanced their abilities? It would be badass and scary to intentionally endure a bath of radiation and cause mutations to make better veteran soldiers.

Already some stellar anomalies totally can negate experience. You should read up on it and navigate well.

Re: What is a sector of space time

Verfasst: Freitag 13. November 2020, 14:39
von UesugiKenshin
This shows you a sense of the scale of stars. It would be interesting if one could build a galactic map and based on stellar formation that that would trigger stellar anomaly generation in a predictable way as well as planet class within that sector.

That would create navigational issues as well as conferring protection so a double edge sword. Essentially gravimetric distortion is happening and would reduce evasion for starship to starship combat as an error could severely damage and even negate the experience of the crew or kill them.

First officer and primary science officer " We are approaching the blue hypergiant star and though the sector is not surveyed, we can expect these type of planet classes and stellar anomalies based on astrometric data. Stellar cartography will be very busy doing analysis."

There would be a reasonable astronomy in BotE even if it is technobabble. ... tenklassen
BotE already has a correlation of star type to planet class.

The addition would making anomalies an aspect of this relationship. ... =Anomalien