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Diese Seite zeigt Vorschläge und Planungen. Ob diese so übernommen werden, ist nicht sicher.

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Hochgeladene Grafiken können aber einfach "umsortiert" werden, denn es wird ja nur die Verlinkung (im Wiki-Quelltext) woanders platziert.

Gebäude-Vorschläge in Textform bitte hier: ToDo's#Data




new graphic new or exchange of(1) graphics of exchange (1) exchange of(2) graphics of exchange (2) exchange of(3) graphics of exchange (3)
TerranerForschungAP-large1(Cmd.Marko).png "new";          

new graphic new or exchange of(1) graphics of exchange (1) exchange of(2) graphics of exchange (2) exchange of(3) graphics of exchange (3)
ShieldR&DInstitute(Cmd.Marko).png new;          


new graphic new or exchange of(1) graphics of exchange (1) exchange of(2) graphics of exchange (2) exchange of(3) graphics of exchange (3)
ICA(large)(Cmd.MarkoFreeOrion).png new;          


new graphic new or exchange of(1) graphics of exchange (1) exchange of(2) graphics (2) exchange of(3) graphics (3)
KhayrinSicherheitszentrumPsiCorpsRevisited.png new;          

new graphic new or exchange of(1) graphics of exchange (1) exchange of(2) graphics of exchange (2) exchange of(3) graphics of exchange (3)
kha_b94.png kha_b94 kha_b94.png TransparentSchlecht kha_b94.bopTransparentSchlecht?.png Original-Vorlage kha_b94KhayrinClanhallePsiCorpsHQ(pdFreeOrion).jpg


new graphic new or exchange of(1) graphics of exchange (1) exchange of(2) graphics of exchange (2) exchange of(3) graphics of exchange (3)
NeutroniumRefinery(large).png new;          


new graphic new or exchange of(1) graphics of exchange (1) exchange of(2) graphics of exchange (2) exchange of(3) graphics of exchange (3)
PsiCorpsPurple(Cmd.MarkoFreeOrion).png new;