Cartarer Invasoren: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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| bgcolor="#fafafa" width="40%" - valign="top"|  
| bgcolor="#fafafa" width="40%" - valign="top"| Humans live in a society based on the values of liberty and fairness. Their key strength lies with their efficient and adaptive approach to research, which grants them swift access to new technologies. They also possess a highly proficient industrial infrastructure and deep knowledge in raw material extraction, production and supply of energy and vital goods. Their high-end products, however, come at the expense of equally high resource costs. Because of their moral convictions espionage is treated like an orphan most of the times, but they compensate for this deficiency with a strong military. Their ships and commanding officers can fight well individually, as well as in groups.
+ The Cartare will resort to any measure to ensure the loyalty of their subjects. Their ruthless state body maintains a strict doctrine and numerous control measures to promote an unconditional belief in their sovereignty. Their goal of justice, order, and galactic domination feeds an almost rampant work ethic to achieve attainable targets, and this results in an exceptional industrial infrastructure. However, government policies are none too discerning over who would do their bidding, nor how. Many peoples that have encountered the Cartare soon find themselves fighting for survival in state mines and prisons, feeding the economy and a hungry war machine. With so many workforces locked in factory work for generations, researching ever-superior technologies is a slow process unfortunately. In Intelligence however they are almost unsurpassed: The fearful Cartare Order is as feared and dangerous as the military. Cartare ships are designed for close-formation-style attacks and often perform poorly when being alone.
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Version vom 7. April 2012, 18:36 Uhr

Englisch-Symbol.jpg for English just click here

Cartarer Invasoren


Deutsch-Symbol.jpg Namenlose Soldaten und Sklaven der Rüstungsindustrie stellen die Hauptanzahl aller Arbeiter in Cartar. Auch in ihren anderen, meist eroberten Gebieten und Welten versuchen die Cartarer ihr stark hierarchisiertes System mit aller Härte durchzusetzen. Fast immer gelingt ihnen das nur gewaltsam. Einmal unter der Kontrolle der Cartarer, wird ein Planet vollständig umgeformt und auf (Rüstungs-)Güterproduktion getrimmt. Nahrungs- und Energieanlagen werden vernachlässigt, auch die Forschung kommt nur langsam voran. Die Effizienz ihres Geheimdienstes, des Cartarer Geheimbundes, ist nicht zu unterschätzen, da dieser als ebenso gefährlich wie das Militär eingeschätzt wird und hervorragend dazu geeignet ist, Spionage und Sabotageakte durchzuführen. Die Idee der Massenproduktion setzen die Cartarer auch im Weltraum im großen Stil in die Tat um und fertigen hier große Verbände von Schiffen. Einzeln wenig effizient, wurden Sie für massive Angriffe in engen Formationen entwickelt.

Englisch-Symbol.jpg The Cartare will resort to any measure to ensure the loyalty of their subjects. Their ruthless state body maintains a strict doctrine and numerous control measures to promote an unconditional belief in their sovereignty. Their goal of justice, order, and galactic domination feeds an almost rampant work ethic to achieve attainable targets, and this results in an exceptional industrial infrastructure. However, government policies are none too discerning over who would do their bidding, nor how. Many peoples that have encountered the Cartare soon find themselves fighting for survival in state mines and prisons, feeding the economy and a hungry war machine. With so many workforces locked in factory work for generations, researching ever-superior technologies is a slow process unfortunately. In Intelligence however they are almost unsurpassed: The fearful Cartare Order is as feared and dangerous as the military. Cartare ships are designed for close-formation-style attacks and often perform poorly when being alone.


Heimatsystem: Cartar

Heimatplanet: Cartar Prime

Raumschiffe: Raumschiffe der Cartarer

Home System: Cartar

Home Planet: Cartar Prime

Ships: Cartare Starships


Inquisition (Inquisition)
Überwachungsstation (Surveillance Units)
Kriegsanleihendezernat (War Bonds Department)
Arbeitslager (Labor Camp)
Umerziehungszentrum (Re-Education Center)
Cartarianischer Geheimbund (Cartare Order)
Zentralkommando (Central Command)