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Re: Advanced saved game post turn 700 as the Omega in sandbox mode

Verfasst: Donnerstag 18. Juni 2020, 05:01
von UesugiKenshin
I'm going to whittle down the colony ships I made for the blitz, and leave maybe 12 so players can practice doing orchestrated terraforming/colonizing. So there are 419 total ships but some are colony ships that will be eliminated and warships will replace them.

I wish faster ships existed. I was hoping that you could do more with the in game ship designer.

Re: Advanced saved game post turn 700 as the Omega in sandbox mode

Verfasst: Sonntag 21. Juni 2020, 17:10
von UesugiKenshin
I'm averaging routine capitulation by two in membership about every 5 turns as well as 2 new alliances.

The Omega are immensely strong. I think you'll bust out laughing when you see all the major ships available. I wanted people to have fun and attempt tactics by fleet composition and see what works best for their playing style. I way overbuild starships and yet the upkeep is not bad.

The money is near 3 million with tremendous infrastructure, lot of controlled sectors, a rather large army, and lots of enemy minor race fleets to deal with. And many of these sectors have specialized defenses too.

I knocked down the average resource value to 175 so that you could experiment with resource manipulation as well as cheaply place them at newcolonized sectors so you wouldn't have to always create new resource routes.

Since tech is effectively finished, I'm scrapping research buildings and of course intelligence buildings. You can play with the manager functions and see how to greatly increase efficiency..I'm trying to figure out if scrapping then returns resources. I vaguely recall something about you have to have a shipyards to recycle these??? Maybe....maybe not.

Re: Advanced saved game post turn 700 as the Omega in sandbox mode

Verfasst: Sonntag 21. Juni 2020, 17:18
von UesugiKenshin
Just for fun and since the sectors are so efficient that even a battleship can be created most often in 5 turns or less (sometimes 3), I put a huge amount of armaments even on scouts. I toyed with the idea of an advanced survey vessel with an enormous amount of torpedoes. Where would they put them ?!?! Sure you could send in a guinea pig to do a suicidal first contact mission. You can send in fleet now or you can send this advanced outrageous survey vessel instead. It's repulsive to send in a colony ship of 8 billion people to their doom to see if the minor alien fleet on a whim and flips a coin to allow trade or instead turns 8 billion into ashes.

Re: Advanced saved game post turn 700 as the Omega in sandbox mode

Verfasst: Sonntag 21. Juni 2020, 17:23
von UesugiKenshin
Imagine every time you colonize, instead of a generic message, you get a tailored message based on the various circumstances describing these diverse worlds. Imagine real missions so you actually deal with these major and minor races. See these are my goals as I think BotE could be marvelous and do so much more.

Why not have much more storytelling? I'm very interested in that.

I'm very interested in somehow preparing armies to invade desert worlds, underwater cities, naval battles on O class worlds, plains, mountain battles, etc. Why not have unit composition so you have to make levels 1-6 and not just 6?

Why not learn "tech" and then it might not show manuevers but they are described and it's part of the battle calculation? That would be awesome. Then you would know why you won or failed.

Imagine decorated crews, not just experience points. It's storytelling based on the very same experience points. It looks complicated but it just is describing more.

Re: Advanced saved game post turn 700 as the Omega in sandbox mode

Verfasst: Sonntag 21. Juni 2020, 17:33
von UesugiKenshin
The Omega alone have 500 assembled ships.

Re: Advanced saved game post turn 700 as the Omega in sandbox mode

Verfasst: Montag 22. Juni 2020, 01:50
von UesugiKenshin
Turn #690

I'm whittling down the last of the unexplored regions. There is one low level old long range scout, a better equipped long range scout, and three Aleph class frigates doing the exploring in the extreme northeast and southeast. There might be 15 spaces that cannot be explored, but still some that hasn't been explored...yet in the medium and long range area. Not much.

You might send them home to level them up with experience as they did an admirable job, or sacrifice them to make first contact as there are several out in those regions. Not all are always hostile to the Omega, so since these are very low level units, they might let some of them go. I think they deserve a break for an admirable job exploring the whole galaxy. Give them a parade and medals.

The following have each killed a single hapless colony ship, so 24 billion lives were lost.

At the very least, their bullying deserves a little gunboat diplomacy from a very lethal customized fleet:
Vi class dreadnought flagship
Omega class battleship
Tzade heavy cruiser
Samech II cruiser
Daleth heavy destroyer
Da'unor heavy cruiser
plus much more including two types of fighters that have the armaments of destroyers.

Many turns back I leveled up transports and have level 6 experienced Da'unor Special Units troops.You might redeploy the transports with assault cruisers, pick up the heavy robot infantry and then just annihilate these with the fleets and just steal their sectors.

Or you could dispatch some very fast small units that are incredibly strong and set them to "avoid" and try contact yet evading their fleets. That would amusing if they couldn't intercept them.

I'm hoping that 4 is not the maximum speed and my units are 20% faster than level 4 anyway due to special research. So technically even if they have any ships that do level 4 speed, those ships should be able to mock those minor alien scum while making contact. I like the idea of at least one bloodbath to make an example of these turds.

See ultimately with modding maybe you can have a ship with a speed of 6 and phenomenal manueverability and be extremely deadly simutaneously.

Re: Advanced saved game post turn 700 as the Omega in sandbox mode

Verfasst: Montag 22. Juni 2020, 02:01
von UesugiKenshin
Alternatively, an unloaded Beth Extremum transport has a speed of 4 and long range could therefore go out and "take one for the team" by attempting "first contact". All they have are the best shields and a double iridium hull so technically are not a threat. Uncontacted minor aliens may think they are carrying troops. Who knows? Essentially they are helpless as they would have no assault ship escort.

That is why that I made so many starships and troops so you have lots of options and can try multiple tactics.

If you lose a ship and it hurts morale for the empire. You attack and probably fewer minor race aliens will end up joining, YET some may go, "Well it's about time...". You can try half measures and evade and laugh at them. Maybe it works?

At this point when some new extraterrestrials declare war, after being a nice guy for almost 700 turns and offering gifts, maybe declaring war when you have zero starships is so moronic that that species deserves to be humbled.

Re: Advanced saved game post turn 700 as the Omega in sandbox mode

Verfasst: Montag 22. Juni 2020, 02:11
von UesugiKenshin
When you intentionally send a ship to a minor alien race sector, it reports in red the percentage chance of success. One customized Omega battleship while not fast or manueverable has a 99% chance of success on its own against some minor race fleets. It can mess up their whole day.

It would be hysterically amusing if they couldn't even damage it. Wouldn't that be great? :lol:

Re: Advanced saved game post turn 700 as the Omega in sandbox mode

Verfasst: Dienstag 23. Juni 2020, 17:01
von UesugiKenshin
You are going to be elated as in every way that I can imagine, the save game will be near perfect. I hope people try it and it serves as a testing grounds for would be emperors.

You will have tremendous capacity to wage war and even surplus capacity to do even more.

The next saved game idea is a similar one but a regular game versus the Khaoran as your nemesis.

Re: Advanced saved game post turn 700 as the Omega in sandbox mode

Verfasst: Dienstag 23. Juni 2020, 18:38
von UesugiKenshin
My tablet isn't even properly a tablet but an old Nook book reader and I can run a 40x40 galaxy map with 500 ships. Imagine what a new tablet could do.

There are inexpensive ways to run BotE. ($40).

Apparently the Windows version can configure a 70x70 map and can export it to the AndroId. Wow. That would be 4900 sectors (versus 1600)! On such a huge map, you might have maxed out tech before even running into a major race. Typically it happens by turn# 300 and conflict by turn 400, but there are reports of not occurring until turn #500.

There are only 142 minor races locked in their home sectors and then whatever sectors are controlled by major races. A fraction of the 142 minors have ready made fleets. Modders could recycle ship hulls and configurations and make far more minor and major races. One minor race is a branch of the Terrans. So a modder could emulate this by a colony breaking off in an independence movement. You don't have to start afresh. Those who broke in schism probably have some unique special buildings but everything else is the same.

Re: Advanced saved game post turn 700 as the Omega in sandbox mode

Verfasst: Mittwoch 24. Juni 2020, 00:57
von UesugiKenshin
Turn 694
Picked up 3 members including the Sevar! Now you folks can play with cloaked ships. Yes! Score!

I'm customizing them. Here are the basic Sevar ships: the Sevriak destroyers and Sevries battleships. They have up to level 15 disruptors. Definitely not lightweights. Not very fast. The destroyer though has normal manueverability. ... lker#Sevar

They consider themselves the enemies of the Light. ... _Q-Z#Sevar

What would be awesome would be if you could upgrade your new Omega, Andromeda, and Zhordan ships so they also had cloaking ability. But the in game ship designer merely works with hull types and shields and beam weapons and torpedos.

But if you switch say your Omega destroyer class hull, with a Sevar one, then that one might get the cloaked ability. I'm excited to play around with it.

The Tuc tired of being asked to join the Omega and canceled their alliance. It's no great loss as they are not a "spaceman" race and their special ability is in research which the Omega don't need as they finished level 15. ... er_Q-Z#Tuc

Now I'm going to scrap the research standard buildings. That means all workers will focus solely on industry and mining meaning faster construction and a larger surplus of ore/crystals that also regenerates faster.

Re: Advanced saved game post turn 700 as the Omega in sandbox mode

Verfasst: Mittwoch 24. Juni 2020, 01:15
von UesugiKenshin ... title=Beam
The Sevar use disruptor beam tech and can't use the phased polaron beams of the Omega. I will put iridum double hulls, maximum shields, and so forth and a different Zhordan torpedo launcher with tricobalt torpedoes on them to max out damage. ... e=Torpedos

The Omega can use energy dissipator torpedo I tech which causes "reduced manuevers". The best of that tech are made by the Brane who have level 2 and level 3 and the latter is a great torpedo as it can ignore or collapse shields.

It might be smart to have some Omega ships have that "reduced manuever" ability to lower the manueverability rating. That would seriously hamper fighters as that is their special ability. ... ierbarkeit

BotE is not a game for lightweights as you have to consider what weaponry might then fit niches to alter tactics in engagements.

Re: Advanced saved game post turn 700 as the Omega in sandbox mode

Verfasst: Mittwoch 24. Juni 2020, 01:22
von UesugiKenshin ... fsaufgaben
See a "dogkiller" ship is what you send against dogfighters and so this reduced manuevers torpedo weapon would be very useful. Another name is an "anti-melee" ship.
Melee ship (Dogfighter) (5)
Melee ships are small, fast ships designed to hunt small enemy spaceships .

30% bonus to hits and damage to small opponents
. Anti-melee ship (Dogkiller ship) (6)
Anti-melee ships are medium-sized ships whose main purpose is to destroy small ships.

20% bonus against small ships
mediocre maneuverability
That Sevriak has normal manueverability and with reduced manuevers torpedos, it might turn into a dogkiller when before it was a destroyer.

Re: Advanced saved game post turn 700 as the Omega in sandbox mode

Verfasst: Mittwoch 24. Juni 2020, 02:32
von UesugiKenshin
I misread "camouflage" which is cloaking in English. ... tle=Tarnen
This shows the levels of camouflage which is misleading. That includes "stealth" technology.

The Sevar's Sevriak destroyer has a camouflage level 2 which is Stealth II.
The Sevar's Sevrius battleship has a camouflage level 3 which is Stealth III, one step below when actual cloaking takes place.
Level 0: no camouflage
Level 1: Stealth I
Level 2: Stealth II
Level 3: Stealth III
Level 4: Cloak I
Level 5: Cloak II
Level 6: Cloak III
The Chewark have a camouflage level 0 so not even Stealth capability. The Omega Alliance starships range from level 0 to level 3 so the best are just shy of actual cloaking.

The minor races you require for cloaking in the ship designer are the following. ... tle=Tarnen


And the only major race that has cloaking in general are the Rotharians...except the Khaoran starship classes Nightmare and Dagger have camouflage level 4 so basic Cloak 1 technology.

Re: Advanced saved game post turn 700 as the Omega in sandbox mode

Verfasst: Mittwoch 24. Juni 2020, 02:34
von UesugiKenshin
I got a score to settle with the Yimandar as they pointlessly destroyed a colony ship. Now I wonder if you defeat them, if you gain their ships. I think so, but it may be that only happens with voluntary membership. I think it's more fun for you to try to get cloaking as a goal. Go for it!