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Enden alle Spiele immer im totalem Krieg? Neutrale Zonen?

Verfasst: Donnerstag 31. August 2006, 09:57
von Angelus
Gutentag Deutsche Freunde,

Wie gehst es dir?

So far my German 8)

Anyway, there is always one thing that I hate when playing BOTF, that is when I'm playing, you suddenly meet different major races like the Khaoron, Coalition or the Rotharians. At first there usually pretty friendly and all want non-aggression or peace treaty's but at some point it always ends at total warfare. (Totale Krieg in Detusch geleib ich?)

I always hate that, when I'm playing the Coalition I always try to have an alliance with a different race, like the Khaoron. And even when I do nothing that can harm them(!) they always end up disliking me more with every turn and ending in a war.

UNLESS you pay huge amounts of credits with there "demands" or you declare war on every enemy of theirs (hard when playing the Fed).

Shouldn't politics be a bit more realistic? I mean when The Netherlands went to Iraq and Germany refused to go, did you see The Netherlands sending F-16's and Marines etc. to Berlin? I don't think so, Germany and The Netherlands are close allies, everyone knows that. They even have an shared military base and a joined armored group. So they don't DEMAND suddenly amounts of money or even better, territory. And if they refuse they don't terminate there alliance or even better, invade each other. (And I'm talking about the present and not 2nd WW or 1st WW).

What I'm trying to say is this:

Make it harder to get an alliance or friendship treaty, but when you succeed, make sure it is also very hard to break it (Talking about bots mostly).

Don't allow it that someone (say a bot) signs an alliance in turn 1, ends the alliance in turn 5, then signs a non-aggression treaty in turn 8 and then again goes to war in turn 12. This doesn't make any sense at all, yet it happends all the time in BOTF.

This is mainly the reason why I always play with the Klingons or Romulans in BOTF, I always say "fuck that shit" and just invade everyone. Cause the politics in BOTF makes no sense at all.

Just my 2 cents ;)

The Netherlands

Verfasst: Donnerstag 31. August 2006, 11:50
von Sir Pustekuchen
I think politics will be more realistic in BotE. Of course, you can declare war to an empire, even if you have an alliance. But you get a big moral mali. So you have to think about it. How big the mali is is different from empire to empire. The main problem in Botf was, that the relationship to an other empire decreased by the time. That woudn't happen in BotE, except you make things, the other empire dislikes.

Verfasst: Freitag 1. September 2006, 08:43
von Angelus
Sir Pustekuchen hat geschrieben:I think politics will be more realistic in BotE. Of course, you can declare war to an empire, even if you have an alliance. But you get a big moral mali. So you have to think about it. How big the mali is is different from empire to empire. The main problem in Botf was, that the relationship to an other empire decreased by the time. That woudn't happen in BotE, except you make things, the other empire dislikes.
That's good to hear. Maybe a good idea to increase the relationship between 2 empires the longer they have an alliance? So basicly the completly other way? That's pretty realistic.

Can it also be possible to have more advanced diplomacy options in the game, like instead of"a "war pact" you ask your allie to take romulus while you invade "blabla" and "blabla 2" system? Or that you ask for help because the Khaorons are invading you? Or a joined attack against an alien superpower? Something you see in other strategy games like Civ, Age of Empires etc.

Anyway thanks for hearing me out and carry on with the good work ;)

The Netherlands

Verfasst: Samstag 2. September 2006, 10:29
von Sir Pustekuchen
Angelus hat geschrieben:Can it also be possible to have more advanced diplomacy options in the game, like instead of"a "war pact" you ask your allie to take romulus while you invade "blabla" and "blabla 2" system? Or that you ask for help because the Klingons are invading you? Or a joined attack against a Borg cube? Something you see in other strategy games like Civ, Age of Empires etc.
No, this won't be possible. Perhaps it can be a task for you from the senate. But I don't know it yet.

Verfasst: Montag 4. September 2006, 18:33
von Homeros

1.Wie realistisch/machbar ist die Einrichtung von Neutralen Zonen beim Abschluß von Verträgen,
etwa in der Art von umstrittenen Gebieten wie bei BotF?

2.Was haltet ihr von einer Möglichkeit Geschenke abzulehnen,
etwa wenn eine minorrace schon vollständige Akzeptanz in einem anderen Imperium erlangt hat,
oder einfach keinen Bedarf hat (...), oder um einfach zu signalisieren,
dass doch etwas mehr als schnöder Mammon notwendig ist, um die Gunst zu erlangen,
beispielsweise ein friedlicher Kontakt über eine Mindestanzahl an Runden.

3. Im Moment geht mir nämlich die Bestechung einer minorrace noch zu schnell,
aber da ist sicher noch die ein oder andere Feinjustierung vorgesehen, oder?

soviel dazu

mfg Homeros

Verfasst: Dienstag 5. September 2006, 09:15
von Sir Pustekuchen
zu 1.) das weiß ich noch nicht

zu 2.) nein

zu 3.) Ja, die ist natürlich noch vorgesehen. Dazu brauchen wir das Feedback von euch.

Verfasst: Dienstag 5. September 2006, 23:25
von Hellgor
huhu ihr

was ich an botf schon immer nicht ganz so mochte war dass man die minorraces immer relativ fix zum joinen bringen konnte.
aus meiner sicht hat das so ein bissle das eigenständige kolonisieren abgewertet.

in eurem game finde ich das schon besser könnte aber für meinen geschmack noch ein bissl härter sein

Verfasst: Mittwoch 6. September 2006, 10:09
von Sir Pustekuchen
Das wird man erst mit der Zeit balancieren können. Denk dran, es gibt aber auch Minors, die lassen sich schnell durch Geschenke beeindrucken, bei anderen bringt das aber nicht soviel. Wenn man eine Minorrace trifft, die sich schnell beeindrucken lässt, dann reichen fast schon 5000 Credits aus, um sie glücklich zu machen. Außerdem hat die Konföderation noch einen Diplomatiebonus, wenn man das gleiche mal mit den Rotharianern macht, dauert es länger.