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Re: Modding

Verfasst: Donnerstag 18. Juni 2020, 19:46
von UesugiKenshin
The programming allows for specification that a building could be made on a gas giant, but it's probably hard coded regarding terraforming them. Or maybe not. It looks like the code was open ended so that theoretically gas giants could be colonized. We don't know if somehow then resources are found on them.

The code literally allows specifying a planet class of any kind can produce a specific building. This would be a huge effect. Look at your galaxy maps and count up all the gas giants. The more empires in a game, then the more important this is.

One thing I'm thinking is asteroid mining as they exist in between in a region and so an immense amount of problematic resources in the end game.

A special project at Level 15 may then just open asteroid mining regardless. It would be great if this altered the population cap, but not essential, but just give a resource bonus. Maybe it doubles deritium refinery operations?

Re: Modding

Verfasst: Donnerstag 18. Juni 2020, 21:09
von UesugiKenshin
Prior to true internet multiplayer actually fast enough not cause immense "lag" and framerate issues, then computer games had hotseat mode within multiplayer operations. They are not exact synonyms. ... ayer_mode)

Hotseat allowed one person to play as all players for a time, then set up the game, then turn all but one player slot to AI control. At any point while playing, you could save the game while playing that "player's turn (so different empires).

The beauty of that is it's vaguely useful for modding but taking a tremendous amount of time, but then having no conflict.

That would really helping modding BotE and most players never use multiplayer as getting together at the samd time with time differences is daunting.

If some Java programmer can enable that, then creating scenarios and campaigns for 4-6 empires are totally doable by one person. Then save the game as the single player for each like the Terrans, and then anyone can play at that advanced turn as the Terrans or any other empire.

For meticulous creation that is simple to error check, then this is the way to go. It definitely is not the fastest way.

Re: Modding

Verfasst: Freitag 19. Juni 2020, 03:01
von UesugiKenshin
These are the kind of bonuses that a build can impart in a sector.
Line 58: food production
Line 59: industry production
Line 60: energy production
Line 61: security production
Line 62: research production
Line 63: titan production
Line 64: deuterium production
Line 65: duranium production
Line 66: crytsals production
Line 67: iridium production
Line 68: deritium production
Line 69: credits production
Line 70: moral in system
Line 71: moral empirewide
Line 72: food bonus
Line 73: industry bonus
Line 74: energy bonus
Line 75: security bonus
Line 76: research bonus
Line 77: titan bonus
Line 78: deuterium bonus
Line 79: duranium bonus
Line 80: crytsals bonus
Line 81: iridium bonus
Line 82: deritium bonus
Line 83: bonus to all resources
Line 84: credits bonus
Line 85: bio tech bonus percent
Line 86: energy tech bonus percent
Line 87: computer tech bonus percent
Line 88: propulsion tech bonus percent
Line 89: construction tech bonus percent
Line 90: weapon tech bonus percent
Line 91: inner security intelligence boni percent
Line 92: economyspy intelligence boni percent
Line 93: economysabotage intelligence boni percent
Line 94: researchspy intelligence boni percent
Line 95: researchsabotage intelligence boni percent
Line 96: militaryspy intelligence boni percent
Line 97: militarysabotage intelligence boni percent
Line 98: shipyard
Line 99: buildable shipsize
Line 100: shipyard buildspeed percent
Line 101: barracks
Line 102: barracks buildspeed percent
Line 103: hitpoints
Line 104: shield power defence
Line 105: bonus to shieldpower
Line 106: shipdefence
Line 107: bonus to shipdefence
Line 108: grounddefence
Line 109: bonus grounddefence
Line 110: scanpower
Line 111: bonus to scanpower percent
Line 112: scanrange
Line 113: bonus to scanrange percent
Line 114: shiptraining
Line 115: trooptraining
Line 116: resistance against corruption
Line 117: added traderoutes
Line 118: income on traderoutes in percent
Line 119: shiprecyling in percent
Line 120: bonus to building-buildspeed in percent
Line 121: bonus to upgrade-buildspeed in percent
Line 122: bonus to ship-buildspeed in percent
Line 123: bonus to troop-buildspeed in percent
Line 124: predecessors ID
Line 125: allways online
So you could have levels that impart several attributes and that is the basis for making it with then associated costs in tech level, raw materials, energy use, etc.

Re: Modding

Verfasst: Freitag 19. Juni 2020, 03:12
von UesugiKenshin ...
That is the major racial attributes listing and sadly, there is no mechanism using tech and or buildings to modify it. But the idea is logical that extraterrestrials would find ways to compensate for innate atributes.

.English-Symbol.jpgfor English just click here

The main races are defined in in the program directory Birth of the Emp ... \ Data \ Races . The racial description are here to find.

The structure of the is per major breed (ie according to line 1, which contains "0.71"):

1st line: race ID (eg "MAJOR1")

2nd line: Name of the home system (eg "Terra")

3rd line: race name (eg "people")

4th line: Article for race name (eg "the" ... people)

5th line: longer empire name (eg "Terran Confederation")

6th line: Article for race name (eg "the" ... Terran Confederation)

7th line: certain article for the empire name (eg "the" ... Terran Confederation)

8th line: race prefix (eg "con_" ... for confederation; for files)

9th line: Race description (eg "The people) ..."

10th line: assigned number of buildings (e.g. "1")

11th line: assigned number of ships (ships) (eg "1")

12th line: assigned number Morale (eg "1")

13th line: race characteristics (eg "6") (see also )


Race characteristics of the major ... f=7&t=2174 (search entry t = 2174)
(internal): race characteristics ... f=9&t=1187 (search entry t = 1187)
The forms are

0 = (none) (nothing special)

Omega Alliance
1 = finance

Example: Hanuhr (Heyoun)
nBase 50 + = 10, i.e. a total of 60
second-> IsRaceProperty (RACE_PROPERTY :: FINANCIAL)) nBoni + = 25;

second-> IsRaceProperty (RACE_PROPERTY :: WARLIKE)) nBoni + = 5;

second-> IsRaceProperty (RACE_PROPERTY :: AGRARIAN)) nBoni + = 10;

second-> IsRaceProperty (RACE_PROPERTY :: INDUSTRIAL)) nBoni + = 15;

second-> IsRaceProperty (RACE_PROPERTY :: SECRET)) nBoni - = 15;

second-> IsRaceProperty (RACE_PROPERTY :: SCIENTIFIC)) nBoni + = 5;

second-> IsRaceProperty (RACE_PROPERTY :: PRODUCER)) nBoni + = 15;

second-> IsRaceProperty (RACE_PROPERTY :: PACIFIST)) nBoni - = 25;

second-> IsRaceProperty (RACE_PROPERTY :: SNEAKY)) nBoni - = 20;

second-> IsRaceProperty (RACE_PROPERTY :: SOLOING)) nBoni - = 25;

second-> IsRaceProperty (RACE_PROPERTY :: HOSTILE)) nBoni - = 40;

2 = warlike

Example: Khayrin (Khaoron)
nBase 50 - = 20, i.e. a total of 30
3 = agriculture (farmer)

nBase 50 + = 10, i.e. a total of 60
4 = industry

nBase 50 + = 5, total 55
5 = secret service

Example: Rotharian
nBase 50 - = 10, i.e. a total of 40
6 = Researcher

Example: Terran
nBase 50 + = 5, total 55
7 = producing

nBase 50 + = 0, so a total of 50
8 = pacifist

nBase 50 + = 25, so a total of 75
9 = sneaky

Example: Cartarer
nBase 50 - = 20, i.e. a total of 30
10 = locked alone (soloing)

nBase 50 - = 25, i.e. a total of 25
11 = extremely hostile

nBase 50 - = 40, i.e. a total of 10

I think you could demonstrate generational changes if in an empire's history these changed. So since it's not adjustable in game, you could mod a specific era and so during a turn period in a saved game, the empire's racial attributes have altered...even fundamentally so.

So in one early example of a Khaoran mod, they dominate the galaxy, then peace follows, but then split in two as some refuse to be led by weakling pacifists.

So civil war breaks out with the controllers have less warlike attributes.

Re: Modding

Verfasst: Freitag 19. Juni 2020, 03:45
von UesugiKenshin
You don't strictly speaking have to add technology above level 14, but then the human player could scrap research buildings and so have no laborers wasting production on them, so could entirely spend them in industry and mining, and so outclass the AI.

You add tech levels to be fair to the AI who will doggedly manage buildings by amounts as they don't know any better. Smart players will scrap excess infrastructure...most often by poor AI decisions of minor races and poor initial decision making by new players. I made terrible errors at first.

You could merely say more buildings are enabled by combinations of tech up to level 14.

I don't know if there is a way to go back and learn whatever special research you failed to prioritize. That is a great thing modders might be able to unlock. Or it might be hardcoded too.

Theoretical physicists study what is plausible.

Engineering handles practical applications.

Applied physicists would be the ones who take the most advanced theoretical physics and find solutions that are beyoneld what the engineers can reasonably accomplish.

BotE needs applied physicists to unlock building bonuses in creative ways or make new starships to the maximum capability but congnizant of game balancing by major race or the limitations like the Omega not having long range fighters.

Re: Modding

Verfasst: Freitag 19. Juni 2020, 03:55
von UesugiKenshin
So, you don't strictly speaking have go have higher tech levels (higher than 14) that ultimately turn on sabotage for game balance. You could raise the requirements tremendously for tech. You could make it massively more expensive with very high energy requirements. You could only allow certain low level diplomatic sabotage and rarely allow economic damage. Military and research sabotage would have the highest security so it's absurd to imagine success.

Why not fix espionage instead so somehow a major race gains understanding of tech faster? That makes sense historically. See the Manhattan project.

It always come back to the AI not realizing it doesn't need research facilities anymore so wasting laborers.

After level 14 tech, applied physicists would be the focus just as in WW2, both German, American, and Soviets massively invested in making a working atomic bomb.

Re: Modding

Verfasst: Freitag 19. Juni 2020, 03:58
von UesugiKenshin
The inherent issue is no matter how many intelligence points are created, with six empires, you cannot fully protect against sabotage. And the AI sees that as cheap and effective.with enormous range. Just adding to intelligence points won't fix the problem.

You delay the problem with higher tech 15+, and you don't even have to add text desciptors, just requirements.

I made an insane amount of intelligence buildings as the Rotharians and Omega, and it didn't fix anything as the AI intel agencies just ganged up on me. It is truly broken.

Re: Modding

Verfasst: Freitag 19. Juni 2020, 04:02
von UesugiKenshin
Eliminating game balancing limitations is like Superman having no kyptonite and so invulnerable. Use a cheat in a game to enter "god mode" which was designed to beta test a game, and a great game is ruined as there is no struggle anymore.

Re: Modding

Verfasst: Freitag 19. Juni 2020, 04:10
von UesugiKenshin

Even IF you can't ever get directly to the special research data, it just makes sense that you enable an alternative building that accomplishes whatever didn't get researched as if you have all Level 14 knowledge, you should be able to do practically anything even cloaking. Maybe you can never do Level 6, but I don't believe it as the Rotharians are NOT the only ones as there are at least 4 minor alien races having it.

I believe energy dampening torpedoes could be learned just like the Brane too.

Re: Modding

Verfasst: Freitag 19. Juni 2020, 04:22
von UesugiKenshin ... _2_.28_.29

The minor race troops are not well documented. I don't see a cap on offensive/defensive values.

Re: Modding

Verfasst: Freitag 19. Juni 2020, 04:32
von UesugiKenshin ... =all+races
This might be the best major alien troop information link, but we lack a minor race one.

Re: Modding

Verfasst: Freitag 19. Juni 2020, 04:46
von UesugiKenshin
It's rather strange but the only way to make intelligence work IF you are a Rotharian or Cartare against multiple opponents like 2, is to go into the manager and set the intell to 100% which would be economically destructive to such a degree that I doubt everything learned about resource manipulation would work. You would work fiendishly to make the economy thrive from turn 1-300, then anticipating intel angencies activating, then go into the manager and start playing with fine tuning how many workers actually do intel ops.

The Cartare is far easier as you have good ships and great troops. The Rotharians have cloaking and terrible colonizing, but can gain member minor races so might get some fleets.

It's worth a beta test as the 3rd test as I have plans for the 2nd one already as a one on one galactic battle.with many minor aliens in a regulatlr game.

A Rotharian empire on a 40x40 map with many minor aliens has the Khaorans and the Heyoun. They have the weakest two intelligence operations. That might work. If you tried the Cartare versus the Khaorans and Terrans, I bet you end up cursing after turn 400+. An expert player might try Cartare vs Kharoan and Heyoun and Terrans. They might be able to win at sabotage but would lose at waging starship battles if those allied against you. If the Cartare are in an excellent galaxy position, that would help. I find the Heyoun silly and boring. One of the dumbest offensives I ever saw was by them.

After achieving level 14 tech, and playing as the human, then a expert player would scrap every excess infrastructure (like farms, research, unneeded plasma reactors) and then maybe get by economically with mining, industry, and intelligence.

Maybe that is what the programmers intended?

Re: Modding

Verfasst: Freitag 19. Juni 2020, 05:03
von UesugiKenshin
My testing shows the Omega can thrive and might win against the Khaoran without sabotage (that is the test), but I doubt they can withstand the Khaoran and the Heyoun without using sabotage. I know they can't fighting the Khaoran and the Terrans without sabotage and the Terrans seem really are evil like warped versions. In one test, the Khaoran just got trashed but somehow came back.

A Terran vs Khaoran would work and might not use sabotage. If they picked up many fleets and customized them, which the AI can't do very well if at all, with a great galactic start position, and got their economy up (very dicey), they might be able to also fight the Heyoun.

An expert player as the Heyoun and using resource manipulation could outspend and might win against the Khaoran, but why do it? It sound so boring.

Re: Modding

Verfasst: Freitag 19. Juni 2020, 05:14
von UesugiKenshin
Most players would like a 3 game match, but it's so hard to play it well and against who you want to fight. Like the Terrans vs Rotharians vs Khaorans just never worked for me, but I know more now. I bet that or the Omega vs Khaoran vs Cartare would be fun, but sabotage would ruin it.

If I could mod it so sabotage was balanced, then a Omega vs Cartare vs Terran vs Khaoran would do everything I want BotE to do. Sabotage ruins those games quickly. The map isn't big enough without gas giant colonization for five even on a 40x40 map. The game feels wrong with less than 50 % minor aliens.

Re: Modding

Verfasst: Freitag 19. Juni 2020, 05:21
von UesugiKenshin
Based on Star Trek lore, the most powerful warriors are the Klingons and their scientists are respectable regarding weaponry. They should be able to overrun all of them given patience, but they get ruined by sabotage. It doesn't work to play them without being modded. I would choose the Khaorans every time and it would fail every time except maybe against the Heyoun which is ridiculous.