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Can we have multiple versions ie standard and beta versions

Verfasst: Mittwoch 1. April 2020, 00:01
von UesugiKenshin
I signed up to beta test. I am supposing that the following beta name is different than the standard version in the Google Play store.
Beta version name which overwrites the folder is seen below.

Is it possible to have multiple versions ie the standard and the beta version concurrently? If so then I can post standard save games that people can use and then beta test 149 and report bugs.

There's a problem straight away for bug reporting as the standard version also uses the same name seen below.

It would be cleaner to use two different folders and with different names.

This is my misunderstanding. The obb file is merely the graphics and sound files used by the program's apk file. The standard version is 0.7.50 . Until I finish with the save game files, I'm using the standard program in case the beta version saves the files differently.

What I did discover is the apk file can be extracted as can the obb files, thus giving me a peek behind the code. Some of which could be meticulously cut and pasted into the wiki.

Re: Can we have multiple versions ie standard and beta versions

Verfasst: Donnerstag 2. April 2020, 17:26
von UesugiKenshin
It's vital to be supportive of beta testing as that's a bonafide way to ensure the latest revision changes are stable and useful. Please consider doing this and supply helpful detailed feedback carefully explaining bug reports. Complements are always helpful and constructive criticism.

The way google play operates, you can't have two versions on Android tablets however it was rather standard to have multiple installations under the windows operating systems.

I'm doing work on game save files as they can actually be quasi-scenarios as there is no campaign or scenario editor. That means for compatibility I'm using the standard game, but will can switch back and forth.

Just in the last 12 hours the game designer positively responded to a request with potentially a way to create a mechanism for allowing these save game scenarios. That kind of rapid positive and constructive designer programming is rare. Heck true multiplayer may be offered at some point which would be outstanding.

It's shocking when I read some reviews on google play as extraordinary free games are often get dismissive reviews when long ago one might have spent $40 on such a game that in today's inflated dollars would cost $80.

Re: Can we have multiple versions ie standard and beta versions

Verfasst: Donnerstag 2. April 2020, 17:57
von blotunga
I rarely use the Beta channel to test potentially breaking changes. Unfortunately for now development is on hold for the next few years or so (until the kids grow a bit) :)

Re: Can we have multiple versions ie standard and beta versions

Verfasst: Sonntag 12. April 2020, 01:57
von UesugiKenshin
If somehow there is a mechanism to have multiple versions, then that is a standard way to have modded files coexist on a computer. Else the original program has to recognize multiple datafiles with one being the standard and the other the modded files.

Re: Can we have multiple versions ie standard and beta versions

Verfasst: Freitag 24. April 2020, 18:08
von UesugiKenshin
What could happen is the BotE apk exists on your system, but another installation apk is my modded version. And another modder makes a 3rd apk installation. They all are seperate but using the same engine but different applications. This is the standard for mods so the mod doesn't interfere with original installation.

So the standard BotE has six empires plus the minor races (considered the 7th slot). But a modded version has six empires and the minor races, but the Brane and TabulaRasa are player choices (slots 8 and 9). You still only play up to six empires, but might only play a sandbox game as the TabulaRasa.

Re: Can we have multiple versions ie standard and beta versions

Verfasst: Freitag 12. Juni 2020, 16:05
von UesugiKenshin
Since this is open source software, if someone modded BotE, then technically they could apply for a Google Play developer slot, and so the modded BotE could be downloaded and so never have the security issue. To me, as long as no copyrighted material is added, it would be the ideal way to get a modded BotE on a tablet.

So you would have the original BotE or the latest beta version of BotE and then have a modded version of BotE.

Why? Because any changes to BotE then are very difficult to load and very difficult to disseminate. The Android version of BotE resists modding attempts. Many tablets won't load 3rd party aps (also called sideloading) unless one "roots" their tablet.

Such modded versions would not change the Java code, just the moddable content for major and minor alien races, tech levels, buildings, troops, etc.

Re: Can we have multiple versions ie standard and beta versions

Verfasst: Mittwoch 16. September 2020, 11:50
von UesugiKenshin
If mod "data" was seperate using an "unciv" model, then a plethora of mods that merely changed the text files could be done (not images and sounds). That's how they are doing it. Unciv hosts the small mods on a website, but this could load from moddb (Mod database is the oldest stable site for modding every possible game and for a decade plus.) Unciv calls for a url link or defaults to a website url that hosts unciv mods). Then a replacement buildings, troops, and ships file could load instead. Or load a major race file with many more races (but still only turnIng on a maximum of six). Otherwise it would be too slow.

Otherwise if a mod could be loaded to the GooglePlay store would rapidly disseminate it. I'm hoping for this.

Otherwise the third option is you have to have a computer and load it via the miniUSB port on Androids which is problematic at best. Very few would play mods then.

As a space 4x game, except for sabotage, BotE has minimal requirements, yet does 10-20 times more in an elegant interface. It just doesn't have fancy animations. You could do a version 2.0 with a campaign and map editor that loaded mods with ads. It would be the the finest space game ever made and played by millions. In my opinion, it exceeds even Uciana.

Re: Can we have multiple versions ie standard and beta versions

Verfasst: Montag 19. Oktober 2020, 20:39
von UesugiKenshin
It is simple to have multiple versions of BotE on a Windows OS. Then one would have the standard version, a modder version, maybe more especially if modding the game yourself.

For the Android OS, you download a Parallel Space app. Then you can create a new BotE installation in that space. Now you can't even see the standard installation on a nonrooted Android. However you can do so in the parallel space. This is how you have multiple copies like a modded version.

Re: Can we have multiple versions ie standard and beta versions

Verfasst: Freitag 23. Oktober 2020, 22:40
von UesugiKenshin
This discusses using parallel space alternative apps.
So does this one.
This discusses parallel space itself.

Again, this allows a mechanism for nonrooted Android tablet owners a way to have multiple copies of an app that exist such that they do not conflict with one another, thus is an ideal way to have a modded version of BotE.

Re: Can we have multiple versions ie standard and beta versions

Verfasst: Freitag 23. Oktober 2020, 22:43
von UesugiKenshin
When you root your Android tablet, it allows you far more control accessing apps, but it would void a warranty of a new tablet, thus many do not want to do so.

However when your tablet is out of warranty, and you wish to upgrade the OS, then you generally have to root it.

Even the way my new Vankyo S8 is setup, while I can see the BotE program, I cannot change it. I have to use a parallel space type app to mod it.

Alternatively I could use either Wine or ExaGear and mod the Linux or Windows version. That is a lot more involved and I am uncomfortable even trying to explain how to do so as while not overly complex, everyone's tablet is different with different OS and manufacturers.

Re: Can we have multiple versions ie standard and beta versions

Verfasst: Freitag 23. Oktober 2020, 22:49
von UesugiKenshin
Why does any of this matter? Say you want to change BotE in some way. You mod some parameters like adding many ships. Well if you mess up, you might just reload the installation and then you will lose your work. With parallel space, you have might have the original version, the current beta version, the beta multiplayer version, a modded version like the Balancer mod, etc.

It's the only solution that I know of. In fact, should I mod the source code to say alter the galactic map generation
1. having many more planets be standard in each sector
2. and maybe making gas giants rarely seen as there is no current reason to depict them
3. And they cannot be used in any significant way
4. Or make the median population far higher per sector
5. Or greatly increase the availability of all six natural resources as we are talking a vast region of 20 light years of space time thus more than 80 star systems just around the Earth which is a backwater portion of the galaxy, not a significant galactic property

...then it's essential that you keep the original source code version.

Re: Can we have multiple versions ie standard and beta versions

Verfasst: Freitag 23. Oktober 2020, 23:06
von UesugiKenshin
Modding has been around since the old original Half Life days and was absolutely normal in Civ 2, Civ 3, Alpha Centauri, GalCiv 1 and GalCiv 2 and on and on. Almost everyone played the modded versions of Rome 1 Total War and Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms. All of those programs had and have rich dedicated communities where all kinds of technology, troops, nations, and so forth are continually being changed to the delight of thousands and millions of players.

I had no idea that Android through GooglePlay made this so hard to do as it was commonplace on the Windows OS since Windows 95. That is 25+ years! Technically given Civ 2 will run even on a Windows 3.1 OS, it goes back even further.

The reason BotE Alpha exists is due to modders! It's weird to not mod BotE.

Re: Can we have multiple versions ie standard and beta versions

Verfasst: Freitag 23. Oktober 2020, 23:17
von UesugiKenshin
Parallel Space and its similar apps should afford the community a protocol so disciplined modding can take place where making changes will NOT adversely affect the original installation. It is not an effort to shortchange or bypass any of the original developers nor make money off of BotE.

It is merely a way to freely enhance the existing programming to allow even more levels of technology, starships, maps, stoytelling, major and minor races, troops, and buildings. You could even create a prequel where ships are sector bound at the beginning of the space race. You could have deritium become unlocked through early technology and have terraforming start happening with the exploration of Mars.

Or you could show a progression to some time 500 years later say turn #2000 instead of turn #1 where the six empires are suffering from dissolution analagous to the fall of the Roman empire and the rise of minor races seeking their own autonomy. Maybe all six empires are considered despicable exploiters and players adopt the role of six strong minor races who want their own empires.

Empires never last, but their creators thought they would. Even the Mongols who crushed everyone and terrified Asia, Russia, the Middle East and Eastern and Western Civilization, quickly fell apart.

The Spanish conquered the New World, and it did not last.