Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

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Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

A philosophical outlook, likely leftist, that proposes that the children of murderers atone to the children of the slain or tortured, seems moronic and as unjust as it can get. Hey, let's jail everyone arbitrarily! Why not, and call that justice? How is that ethical?

If this is so, be prepared for the worst shock possible as in the USA, the highest percentage of violent crime are committed by minorities, thus such goofy illogical senseless labeling then perpetuates minority status and suppression. You would end up incarcerating minority descendants for their parent's crimes. What absurdity.
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Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

When you begin playing BotE, one supposed that you build based on need that is satisfied by such construction. This is 100% wrong. You build to inflate raw material prices and generate a profit, and that surplus in the treasury means you have cashflow, and eventually a sufficient amount to build extra research facilities and colony ships. That is how you win the first 300 turns on a maxed out map. War is unlikely when your people are not in proximity with hostile people who can project power. The scant few ships likely can only annoy, so you build your own ships to prevent this annoyance.

It is a very different kind of space based economic simulation and later turn wargame.
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Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

If you build a game with no option to surrender then trillions will be annihilated in the galaxy. War always has surrender as an option and with a lengthy scale of terms of surrender along a continuum. So called unconditional surrender is a falsehood. Even Japan had options as they kept the Emperor. Thus it was NOT an unconditional surrender.
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Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

If systems of governance lack personal morality and corporate ethics of all of the citizenry, then honestly governance is really just despotism in disguise. There ain't no rules of conduct and it genuinely is near anarchy as soon as the citizens realize by waking up. That in a nutshell is America in February 2021: despotism and near anarchy. Civil war is likely.
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Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

The logical way to play all 4x games is to be malevolent and this is troubling. I think that is why when my laptop died, I did not prioritize that as important anymore. It seems to me that this is bad game design.

Just warfare and casus belli have to be aspects and likely this is why empires do not exist and last in the postmodern era.

There literally is a handful of times that empires lasted. They always self-destruct as they don't have honest casus belli and they are not "just wars" and soldiers refuse to wage them.

Enlightened military officer " You call this honorable and that is a lie. You want me to bleed and be maimed for you, perhaps killed, so you can be a despot. No thanks. My mother and father did not raise a naive idiot."

Your average soldier wants to serve the nation to be honorable and just and do what is right even if it kills them. Only psychopaths blindly want to kill the enemy.
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

Scenario based wargmes are the opposite. The scenario begins with a just war and a casus belli and so both military commanders are struggling to muster troops and deploy them in the most efficient optimal pattern to be creative, effective, and save their soldiers' lives and minimize civilian casualties and accomplish practical goals.

21st century warfare is not empire building as you win, then occupy, then leave. Since 1897, America has not gained an inch of territory. The whole idea is to restore autonomy and monumental expense in money and lives.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

Start of turn#507
The Omega now have 42 minor race members from the disintegration of the Rotharian empire, and the impotent Heyoun have lost 5 minor race memberships, so now have 33. I'm giving them gifts every turn to try to gain them as members to avoid subjugating them.

Just as important is the loss of their sphere of influence as the Omega are flipping formerly potential territories, plus gaining northern territories in the area once controlled by the Khaoran.

It's a shame I cannot bribe Heyoun sectors to avoid the eventual bloodshed.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

The genuinely magnificent game within BotE is waiting to emerge that is about science fiction stories, hopeful and optimistic and humane, that has many opportunities for winning, and has broad-based appeal to fans of serialized fiction that has been intense since 1966 when filming began, and has never ceased to be a positive influence on global culture. That has almost nothing to do with exploiting and exterminating. Frankly that idea only has a minimal cultural history within the genre. Those were the villains and most do not wish to emulate them.

Whoever makes that game will make a name for themselves and be original programmers for PCs and tablets. Such a game does not currently exist which is confounding especially in a time of sandbox games.

Is there any wisdom to making an AI that sees humans as competitors? I think not. That sounds very doomy and perilous. Would it not be wiser to make an AI that tries to exceed the benevolence of human beings instead? An AI that tries to exceed the violence of humans is not empowering the AI to be anything but an enemy of humanity.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

End of turn#508

Now that the Heyoun are powerless, I made a LOT of colony ships and will sweep through the galaxy looking at every map point to see if lesser but still useful sectors can be terraformed and or colonized (as sometimes planets are neglected in the mad rush to minimize turn time lengths to an hour in length). This means a big draw down of raw materials and longer turn times as they all need infrastructure. This will push and push back the entire Heyoun sphere of influence and hopefully the proximity of more Omega inhabited sectors near minor race sectors then results in more memberships. It does play a role.

You can push with transports transformed into outposts and starbases, but the Omega will have a massive invasion eventually and will need those transports. Plus make some Paqlan transports that can protect themselves. You can't at first and shouldn't do this until after building up that sector, so there is quite a delay in seeing those specialized transports made and leveled up with training. This is yet another reason why each major species should through advanced research and special buildings make their own domestic ships to fulfill specialized tasks, not rely upon a single starship per turn from a minor race which creates a bottleneck in military logistics.

Turns will start taking four hours. Every inhabited sector needs to be carefully analyzed as I found a few not optimized. Now managing sectors is a full time job. What I probably should do is break all resource routes and see which places actually require them. With 565 inhabited sectors, that might take 16 hours to optimize. That is a dreadful job.

Fleets need to be assembled and transports filled with troops and both send to the periphery of the Heyoun and surround those regions for eventual ground invasions.
Zuletzt geändert von UesugiKenshin am Mittwoch 10. Februar 2021, 12:03, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

Every trained starship will move into a deployment phase to either fight, bombard as some Heyoun inhabited sectors may have sector defenses or act as assault ship escorts to transports, or assembled fleets will bully minor races by sitting in orbit to force their hand on membership. It's go time. The Heyoun can't attack colony ships, so now the Omega will try intimidating the unaffiliated minor races, harass the Heyoun member races to get them to switch sides, and when every vessel is in place, then declare war. The whole war engine is going to engage.

Not counting the large number of new colony ships in the queue, the Omega have nearly 2100 starships versus maybe 3-5 Heyoun vessels.

From experience, many of those Heyoun and minor race sectors will have underutilized sectors that need terraforming so I almost can't make too many colony ships. But I left surplus capacity to deal with contingencies.

Many transports have been waiting in orbit to load up troops and be deployed again. Technically maintaining a military presence lowers morale in a sector, but if you max out infrastructure, you still have 200 morale so it has negligible effect with the Omega. All the new conquering will offset any losses from being magnanimous with minor races to get treaties and membership.

Honestly the maximum on morale should be 300, and were that so, my hunch is that 90% of the Omega sectors would have 250+ morale. Artificially capping it at 200 is unfair. It is as unfair as capping deritium at 100 which is weird. I bet I would have 500 at many sectors without this strange limit.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

There is not a single logical reason the Heyoun should have a single member race, yet they have 33. That is a potential 198 billion deaths if I go in and do a ground invasion since they are affiliated. That is moronic when the Heyoun have at most 5 starships.

Idiotic minor race diplomat "Well sure the Heyoun can't actually defend us as they can't even defend themselves, but it would be dishonorable to abandon them now as the Omega amassed starships are 2100 in number with countless troops. Let's all hold hands and have a sing-a-long and pray they fail."

The survivors of the minor race genocide should decide what to do with that fool diplomat after the battle. It is so pointless. That is one government official that is totally out of touch with the needs of the citizens.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

The Omega greatly exceed the Federation from Star Trek which only had 150 planets. The Omega directly control 565 inhabited sectors which likely average four planets So 2260 planets plus the sectors of 42 species and their planets.

The Omega control 565 x 20 light years (11,300) plus 42 x 20 light years (840) so 12,140 light years directly not including their sphere of influence. Honestly, the Omega control the galaxy in reality so 32,000 light years in all but name only as victory is assured.

The Federation total region is 8,000 including their sphere of influence.

The Milky Way is estimated to be 100,000 light years.

The only reason the Omega have not totally conquered the galaxy is I am not a barbarian and I'm testing all plausible outcomes.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

In the Star Trek mythos, there are likely many planets as yet uncolonized and will not be for some time to come, and the same is true for the Klingons and Romulans. Space within a galaxy is enormous. Do you see why war becomes less and less important due to infinite resources? See in all actuality, there was no reason for a Neutral Zone, and likely the fault lies not with the Klingons, but with the Federation. They were being overzealous with likely no actual need. It was like Manifest Destiny.

With the arbitrary Louisiana Purchase, America sent out the Lewis and Clark expedition and such positive news then spurred on massive immigration waves coupled with American settlers at first working with the Mexican government, then rebelling and seizing those lands as well. Rebellion was not surprising as settlers had both come from people fleeing the American Civil War.

Even to this day, the population density is sparse in the western half of the USA, and we could easily double in size or even triple.

Conquering doesn't really make sense. ... on_map.png
Here is a USA population density map. Note all the shades of green which translates to a range of less than one person per square mile to 100 people per square mile. The preponderance of citizens live in those tiny red regions. A square mile equals 2.59 square kilometers.

The galaxy would have something 10,000 fold more exaggerated.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
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Beiträge: 3561
Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

There is humongous untapped potential by merely allowing sectors to have nine planets and configuring Birth of the Empires so every inhabited region has all six resources (which is absolutely likely based on astronomy and logic) and make the minimum population be 10.0 billion (as the Earth alone has 7.7 billion). It just makes sense to colonize moons of gas giants too.

BotE could be an extremely rich story driven game with missions and still have everything else it currently has. BotE is a rough unpolished diamond. It could still be a remarkable program and out shine all the competition.

If BotE had a full fledge editor, magnificent scenarios could be made. Those scenarios do not have to be wargames either. Two or three sandbox players could really have fun doing joint missions with some war and maybe against scripted interdimensional enemies.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
Chrome and Opera autotranslates German.
Beiträge: 3561
Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

Some single player with stories and missions could start a space program and play for years and be perfectly happy. That is how huge a BotE galaxy can be. The tech and subclasses of ships are easy compared to writing the stories and missions.

If someone elected to do that though, they should look at how demographics are done in Civ 2 and Civ 3 as healthcare, longevity, length of military service, literacy, pollution, crime, etc are all measured. That is the sandbox player's report card. ... ics-works/

Then BotE would be like Civ3 on steroids.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
Chrome and Opera autotranslates German.

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