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Re: Troop Unit Size

Verfasst: Donnerstag 28. Januar 2021, 03:00
von UesugiKenshin ... #Kraetumir
.A truly ugly and disgusting sight is offered by the average Kraetumir, who mainly lives in the worst slums of the large settlements. A strong neck protrudes from a strangely hairless, stocky, massive and "flat" body, which ends in a broad and equally flat head with small, staring eyes and a huge, dirty yellow mouth filled with warts and lumps. Four strong arms and two very muscular legs protrude from the dirty rags and rags in which they are mostly forced to wrap themselves. A Kraetumir almost always has a cut somewhere on his body, from which sticky black blood is torturing itself viscously. This blood has the ability to coagulate into a tough, rubbery layer, which offers some protection against blows. The more a Kraetumir bleeds, the better it is protected from further stab wounds. Kraetumir are extremely irritable and were they not so technologically backward, a real danger for the surrounding systems!

Home system: Kraetumir

Technological progress: backward

Special ability: martial

Corruptibility: medium corruption

Spaceman nation: no

Special buildings: Armed units: +1 morale in the system, + 50% ground defense

Re: Troop Unit Size

Verfasst: Donnerstag 28. Januar 2021, 03:02
von UesugiKenshin ... F-P#Mozwar
.The Mozwar are aggressive energetic beings, which constantly wage wars of conquest against other races. It is not known where these beings originally came from. It can be assumed that your current system was once home to other living beings. The Mozwar know no mercy, no diplomacy and no friends. They have a great aversion to physical races. Their belief is to purify the universe of these as they are viewed as inferior and imperfect. Only energy beings, like themselves, are original and have a right to exist. Since the Mozwar cannot accept any physical manifestation themselves, they transfer their energy into objects that appear cruel. They often appear to other living beings as mechanical devils or death knights. Those,

Home system: Mozwar

Technological progress: progressive

Special ability: martial

Bribery: difficult to bribe

Spaceman nation: own ships

Special buildings: Mozwar defenses: +150% ground defense Slave camp : +45 % industry, -1 morale in the system

Re: Troop Unit Size

Verfasst: Donnerstag 28. Januar 2021, 03:04
von UesugiKenshin ... acha.27urr
.The compact figure of a Nacha'urr is raw and at the same time strong and sinewy. Originally a people of nomadic hunters living in the deserts and steppes of the northern continent, their entire culture has radically changed after a religious transformation. The Nacha'ri sect is revered by the population and its only endeavor is to nip peace-propagating tendencies in the bud. The life of a Nacha'urr is entirely dedicated to the warlike and honorable service to their god Tahat, there cannot and must not be any other purpose in life for a Nacha'urr. After an honorable death - according to the Nacha'ri, to die old and weak in bed means to continue to live as an old man after death - one is rewarded for the hardships and privations. There is nothing terrifying about death. In this world life is characterized by extreme austerity and severity. Luxury and convenience are frowned upon. Family ties do not exist, the warriors live in groups that replace their families. Those who do not want to bow to the hard system do not have a long life.

Home system: Nacharr

Technological progress: backward

Special ability: martial

Corruptibility: medium corruption

Spaceman nation: no

Special building: Nacha'ri headquarters: + 100% ground defense, + 50% troop building, 100 troop training

Re: Troop Unit Size

Verfasst: Donnerstag 28. Januar 2021, 03:06
von UesugiKenshin ... P#Nordaner
.The Nordans are tall, strong people who, however, have violent tendencies and sometimes show them openly. But they are always open to trade. The Nordans homeworld is a natural wonder to behold. In addition to the variety of landscapes, Nordana also has cultural delicacies to offer. Although the Nordans do not appear to be art collectors, they own some of the rarest sculptures and paintings in the universe. In contrast to this quality is her love for martial arts Nora-Nora. Events take place every day in which the bravest Nordans fight each other to the death. In her society, Nora-Nora is very important. Nobody should dare to question this sport even remotely.

Home system: Nordana

Technological progress: normal

Special Skill: Finance

Corruptibility: medium corruption

Spaceman nation: no

Special buildings: Replicator grid: + 75% industry Nora-Nora Dom: +2 morale in the system, + 50% income on trade routes

Re: Troop Unit Size

Verfasst: Donnerstag 28. Januar 2021, 03:09
von UesugiKenshin ... _Q-Z#Sevar
The Sevar are a semi-organic form of life and advocates of an occult teaching on the dark matter of the universe. Little is known about the Sevar, they are half myth, half legend. Visitors to their barren world are mostly never met again. It is rumored that the Sevar are working on a secret plan to completely fill the universe with dark matter, just as they attempt on their own bodies. Before the sect was formed, life on Sevar is said to have pulsed and brisk trade with the surrounding systems ensured great prosperity. There must have been a few among them who managed to pollute the entire planet and everything that goes with it in the truest sense of the word. They were not intentionally hostile or angry, but their values ​​are incomprehensible and they recognize the so-called.

Home system: Sevar

Technological progress: normal

Special ability: martial

Bribery: difficult to bribe

Spaceman nation: own ships

Special building: Temple of Sevar: + 40% internal security, +2 morale in the system

Re: Troop Unit Size

Verfasst: Donnerstag 28. Januar 2021, 03:12
von UesugiKenshin ... Q-Z#Vawdor
The bodies of the Vawdor, like the related breed of Storgor, from which they split off together with the Vorgor some time ago, are opto-organic hybrid constructions that make them robust and insensitive to radiation. Your spine is sheathed from pure titanium, which provides enough gyro stability for the heavy head units and additional adapters that upgrade the Vawdor to a specialist for a wide variety of tasks in seconds. They pose a serious threat to peace and stability because they are fearless and out to conflict and conquest. The Vawdor are usually arrogant and devious in dealing with others, and take advantage of whatever opportunity arises. They value honor and efficiency and are described by many as warmongers. They are generally seen as uncompromising and resentful. Their efficiency and tactical finesse in ship combat is notorious.

Home system: Vawdor

Technological progress: very advanced

Special ability: martial

Corruptibility: medium corruption

Spaceman nation: own ships

Special building: War game arena: 35 ship training

Re: Troop Unit Size

Verfasst: Donnerstag 28. Januar 2021, 03:14
von UesugiKenshin ... Z#Vorianer
The Vorians are a violent, technologically backward, humanoid race from the Vorian system. Your society is very much like anarchy. Every Vorian is on his own shortly after his birth and has to fight for daily survival. The only constant in a Vorian's life is his personal number. Each newborn is immediately assigned a unique number. He is thus entitled to obtain a kind of drug from the only halfway state organization, the Psychotropic Laboratories. This drug is able to change the thoughts of any living being at will. Over time, the Vorians realized that their outlook on life would ultimately lead to the extinction of their species. Therefore every Vorian has to take a drug to inhibit aggressiveness and violence once a month. With their help they were able to build a primitive way of living together. Newborns also have an increased chance of survival, which benefits the entire breed

Home system: Voria

Technological progress: backward

Special ability: martial

Corruptibility: medium corruption

Spaceman nation: no

Special building: Psychotropic laboratory: + 100% security

Re: Troop Unit Size

Verfasst: Donnerstag 28. Januar 2021, 03:18
von UesugiKenshin
Certain minor races are strong, but most of their people are pacifists. Others while strong focus on other tasks. Some are more defensive in nature.

These though want to fight and being part of empires may lead them to be mercs in some fashion for their patrons in exchange for making their own inhabited sectors totally proteced in ways they cannot do themselves.

So then they would be part of the composition of advanced levels of major race ground invasions.

Others have tech that has military applications.

Others have unique one time militaristic use, but largely for assassinations.

Re: Troop Unit Size

Verfasst: Donnerstag 28. Januar 2021, 03:21
von UesugiKenshin
Maybe the Omega who drug their people and mining races with tetroin strike a deal so some Vorians so they can fully sharpen their combat ability. It makes sense.

Re: Troop Unit Size

Verfasst: Donnerstag 28. Januar 2021, 03:23
von UesugiKenshin
The Vawdor admire honor and martial ability, but they never could get have an empire like the Khaoran, so maybe as patrons, they facilitate this in some subset.

Re: Troop Unit Size

Verfasst: Donnerstag 28. Januar 2021, 03:24
von UesugiKenshin
Some the Nordans enhance morale in a system, so might act at upper levels as an aspect of urban pacification. Maybe working with the Terrans is in their best interest?

Re: Troop Unit Size

Verfasst: Donnerstag 28. Januar 2021, 03:27
von UesugiKenshin
The Mozwar don't want to work with the Cartare, but maybe it is politically expedient to do so. They watch and wait for an opportunity as maybe dream of supplanting their patrons.

Re: Troop Unit Size

Verfasst: Donnerstag 28. Januar 2021, 03:30
von UesugiKenshin
The Kraetumir know they cannot rule an empire, but they can withstand ground invasions and the Rotharians have a use for them.

Re: Troop Unit Size

Verfasst: Donnerstag 28. Januar 2021, 03:33
von UesugiKenshin
There are ways then that both sides win in that collaboration and being with certain empires seems more natural. And more research then affects starship attributes as well as ground invasion forces.

Re: Troop Unit Size

Verfasst: Donnerstag 28. Januar 2021, 07:45
von UesugiKenshin
Every one of those minor race species is just minor window dressing that merely translates to starships or buildings. But now they also are opportunities to seriously enhance ground invasions and their presence may save major races' lives. That is unlikely to be ignored. Their value then becomes a provable aspect of why supporting minor races' inhabited sectors is money well spent.

Every one of those can fire ten or more events. Players don't have to read them, but I think they will, and come to respect them. Even if they don't like them.

This is why BotE, as old as it is, has a lot to offer wargamers. But for now, it's buried treasure as most people do not know it exists.

There is a hunger for new games and reviewers survive by doing more articles and making videos. But they need FAQs that explain aspects as when they create videos, they illustrate these unique aspects...that may not exist in any other game.

BotE so far has been minimally reviewed. Let's change that.

Advanced save games given to reviewers let's them do advanced actions, have far better ships, use advanced tech, make superior combat troops, see how high experience can get, see a carefully created useful fleet, do a ground invasion with a well designed assault ship, sabotage and steal powerful starships, etc.