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Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 5. Oktober 2020, 22:08
von UesugiKenshin
Khaoran ships ... _Imperiums
The Khaoran actually have stealth levels of camouflauge...not true cloaking.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 5. Oktober 2020, 22:11
von UesugiKenshin ... nverbundes
Rotharian ships
The Rotharians are the ones to be concerned about as they have MULTIPLE Level 5 and 6 Camouflage ships thus true cloaking.

I have to get cloaking to even up the odds against both of these major races. The most conservative way is not even messing with combat until Level 5 is achieved.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 5. Oktober 2020, 22:14
von UesugiKenshin
One of the very best aspects of BotE for Android is the glorious level of ship design. It's delicious and that is very high praise from me. I love the complexity. You could spend hours and hours dreaming up magnificent custom ships in the ship designer. You absolutely must spend time pouring over technical data to comprehend it and exploit it.

It takes a LONG time, but that rewards a conservative player, who then has plans based on what members they have. I want to race through the research and create vast sums of money, and offer gifts (not bribes) and gain the best minor tech, then spend a LOT of time thinking of types of custom ship designs. It's marvelous in BotE.

That is how to wage war in a successful manner as it's war on the Omega's terms. If you are reacting to the other major races, you are in trouble in BotE.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 5. Oktober 2020, 22:23
von UesugiKenshin
The other great aspect about the Yimidar is that espionage ability adds to mine, if I can either conquer or assimilate them. And I need to do so to combat the Cartare and Rotharians espionage and sabotage.

I can make a list of the best ones, but the best way to learn is to STUDY the minor alien's research abilities leading to buildings. That is the equalizer and the only way the Khaoran player can manage is by doing that with surgical precision to gather ALL of them as that is one of their weaknesses.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 5. Oktober 2020, 22:28
von UesugiKenshin
Fleet formation tactics

If you understand this, you will defeat your enemies. If you fail, you will lose on higher difficulty levels. Diversity is pretty critical to balancing up the odds.

If you don't understand the function of ship classes, you can't form a proper fleet to deal with whatever the AI has assemble in space.

Start here. I tried to create a systematic way to understand every aspect of ship design.

It is very complex and takes hours to understand. It took me weeks as I gathered from all over the German wiki and tried to put in one place so a very logical tactician could comprehend it faster.

I hope people appreciate this as it took a lot of time to do.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 5. Oktober 2020, 22:36
von UesugiKenshin
You have to throughly understand the ship designer as later you will have many minor races who have a valuable torpedo tube or torpedo type or armor or that ship style is very manueverable. You are mixing and matching these and gleefully making badass starships.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 5. Oktober 2020, 22:42
von UesugiKenshin
It takes hundreds of turns to get to that point and not everyone has that level of patience. Which is why these advanced turn save games are created so players can immediately wage war and have fun.

Some players are purists and want to start WW2 games from 1937...and see if they can make better weapons and more of them and superior ships, tanks, infantry, planes, etc.

Most are short of time and just want to fight in 1941. That is why I've spent maybe 2400+ hours to help pulling all the stuff together.

Some want to fight beginning with D Day on June 6, 1944 rather than do all that work. They have no time except brief intense periods and certainly do not want to spend time mining and building infrastructure and an economy.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 5. Oktober 2020, 22:49
von UesugiKenshin
One of my goals in the Balancer mod is diversity of units have a synergistic effect as that is what happens in fleets. Ground invasions are not all tanks. They are paratroopers and armored personnel carriers and infantry and snipers and SpecOps and air support and A10 tank killers.

I want the ground invasions to be glorious CARNAGE but not be one flavor.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Dienstag 6. Oktober 2020, 08:22
von UesugiKenshin
My fleet of 3 Samech approaped Yimidar, and naturally you get a weird vibe as you know they have a fleet, yet the question mark does not show up ie they are cloaked. When you enter the sector therefore, no calculation shows up to indicate combat will occur.

So you don't want to hail them as it's useless. You don't attack them as they have useful ships. You can win with 99% chance, but the goal is to gain those ships through membership. So I set to avoid...winning the engagement . They are upset, but not dead. I sent them 2000 as a gift. They will come around and need terraforming.

BotE gives you many options and avoiding is useful as sometimes it draws out minor alien races' starships. Then they are stuck outside as minor race ships are not supposed to leave, right? You can then invade their sector and they will lack air support.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Dienstag 6. Oktober 2020, 08:25
von UesugiKenshin
I'm playing differently as the Heyoun have so many minor races and I have hardware coming so I can work on the Balancer mod. I'm saving at turn#300. Hopefully this start game helps some people as they should be strong enough to avoid sabotage if they keep playing as I do. They will be the strongest empire from the start, but will have to oppose the Cartare and then the Rotharians to avoid the worst effects of sabotage. I could play to turn #400, but that is a week of work.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Dienstag 6. Oktober 2020, 23:42
von UesugiKenshin
Turn 244
The Terrans showed up. It must have been a bonafide glitch earlier when the system claimed the Terrans attacked as it hasn't been a problem with them. Weird.

The Cartare, Terrans, and Heyoun were feuding and so weakened each other while simultaneously they were getting pinched by the Rotharians and Khaorans.

Meanwhile, I stayed people but allocated 10% espionage to the Cartare, Heyoun, and Terrans.

So that put the Omega even further ahead. They are in the number one slot for the military. GDP and productivity are 3x the average. Science is pushing 4.5x the average. They have 80 inhabited sectors.

The Terrans have about 30, the Heyoun are close, the Cartare are lagging behind.

The Omega have 375,000 internal security points! I think sabotage will eventually happen, but the players loading the advance turn #300 game should be fine.

From turns 0 - turn #300 take about a week, but turns #301 - turn#401 take a week. I may come back to after Balancer mod 1.0, but it feels like it should be sufficient. It should enjoyable, just not perfect. I'm rather distracted as getting everything ready and need a day to just learn the new Anroid tablet and load everything and get organized with back ups to a Google Drive.

I know the Heyoun are feeling pressure looking at the map and intel and based on logical assumptions. Right now, they have 3 enemies so the Terrans can make outrageous demands and there would be nothing they could do about it.

The Omega are juggernauts and their sphere of influence is pressing the Heyoun and Cartare out and back from the Omega's ever increasing borders...except for minor alien sectors under their juridiction. That is probably going to cause diplomatic the next 25-50 turns.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 7. Oktober 2020, 23:37
von UesugiKenshin
~turn #250, the Omega are running a budget surplus of 100,000-250'000. That should make things easier for players! 😁 Their research is in excess of 4.5 x the average!

The new Android tablet got here 12 hours ahead of schedule, so I did all the migration and all the programs and updates, so happily playing BotE.

Version 1.0 of the Balancer mod has very low levels of changes, and I'm not officially testing it in beta until Oct 21 through Nov 21. So there should be a Christmas release. It fixes common player complaints like sabotage, but also will help with trade and resource routing, deritium, maybe a little more.

I secretly wanted to do 2.0 by Christmas, but no one has sent me any offers to beta test it. So it's all on my shoulders...alone. It's more work so I don't think I can reskin and add 50 new ships by then. It's too ambitious. Probably by March 21.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Donnerstag 8. Oktober 2020, 13:01
von UesugiKenshin
With rapid expansion, sometimes one or more resources can get too high in price, and I could sell it down to a reasonable price, but I need to constantly raise my setpoint triggers so my cache on hand drifts up.

What happens in BotE is you need ever higher amounts to do the next level of upgrades to the next level. So I raised titanium to 3000 per sector as the minimum so each turn, in sectors where titanium exceeds 3000, say 4500 are on hand, so I sell 1500 units multiplied by the current price, say 7000. That is a great profit, so things are great, right?

Not exactly. See I am in a time crunch where every minute preparing the advanced save game... is time I am not editing the Balancer mod. So my time is worth something too. I can fix this with a couple hours of resource routing.

What? Why is UesugiKenshin talking about resource routing? See some new sectors that just got colonized need that titanium, and I could create new resource routes and share it with them. But that two hours is at least 4 to 5 turns faster I can each turn takes about 30 minutes...each.

When you play, there is no time limit. For me, it is like there is a chess clock ticking as I have to get going on the Balancer mod. I'm racing for the finish line with this advanced turn#300 saved game and about 50 turns remain times 30 minutes so 1500 minutes are allotted. That is 25 hours of solid play left, and I can't leave you with a mess, but a turnkey situation.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Donnerstag 8. Oktober 2020, 13:11
von UesugiKenshin
On rare occasions, certain sectors have slow growth rates. So it would would take them too long to finish construction. I rush production by paying for it, but then lose profitability. My desire is every sector fully has the capacity and workers to finish construction in 1 turn.

So to solve both issues, as long as you have your agriculture / food replicators at a high level, then you can sometimes recolonize the sector. This overcomes that slow growth rate.

If you don't have all that ready and recolonize, you induce a food shortage and famine strikes.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Donnerstag 8. Oktober 2020, 13:25
von UesugiKenshin
It takes me a week on average to play 300 turns in BotE, but I could play slower and do far better by making far wiser choices.

Two of my best friends in high school were exceedingly bright and both smarter than me. They sat down to play chess one time. One is brash, but can in minutes intuit the best chess moves. The other had other gifts, but was a plodding player. So my brash friend took 2 minutes to move, and my plodding friend took an HOUR. Finally the brash friend said, "This is nuts! You won. I'm not taking all day to play a single game of chess." :roll:

I'll give you a week of my time so beginners can have a better game, but it's just an introductary lesson as resource management was lately removed to get you the most money and infrastructure and research and defense and ships in the fastest time.

BotE is not about making the wisest plodding decisions as the art of war that is plodding is not exciting. There is not endless time to wage war as humans live at best an average of 77 years, but the ability to be a commander limits that to 55 years, and 40 years as a soldier. But then, if you began at age 18, then the soldier only gets 22 years. He or she sleeps, so subtract 33% so about 14 years. And you rarely actually fight, so maybe only 6 years in total.

The rest is strategy and if you lose. :twisted: