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Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 30. September 2020, 13:57
von UesugiKenshin
.The Karorr are humanoid, with a tall stature, leathery skin, and medieval permanent armor made of titanium that they never take off. Their bodies are very hairy, so is their will to conquer. Karorr rob, barter and steal technology, they don't invent it. You can handle it skillfully and defend it with your life if necessary. In the orbit of their planet there is a temporal minefield that the Karorr did not create themselves, but which is apparently not of natural origin. Only they know the dangerous way through. Because of these time bubbles, it is easy for the Karorr to defend themselves efficiently against attackers, even without capital ships, by sweeping the few paths through the field with continuous fire from the planet. The people feel so very safe and able to live out their aggressions against others without the danger of immanent retaliation.

Home system: Karorr

Technological progress: backward

Special ability: martial

Corruptibility: medium corruption

Spaceman nation: own ships

Special building: Karorr shipyard renovation: + 100% shipbuilding Karorr defense position: +2000 ship defense ... ker#Karorr

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 30. September 2020, 14:02
von UesugiKenshin
.The Levans are relatively simple, peaceful and hospitable people and they are proud of their own offspring, for whom they sacrifice everything in old age, if the circumstances so require. In the orbit of their planet is a large space port, which shows that the Levans have a lot of contact with alien species. Your spaceport authority controls and regulates all shipping traffic around your sector, but your trade is restricted because you have very few means of payment. The homeworld of the Levans is comparatively sparse, but the residents make up for this with their relative humility and contentment. Her world is a popular retreat for the elderly and the failed, but also for some wellness vacationers who have become tired of the fast-paced technology-specific time and want to escape from it for the rest of their lives or even for the duration of a cure. Your spaceport is made very stylish and houses the best equipment and rooms for extensive training seminars for long-serving veterans of space travel.

Home system: Levan

Technological progress: normal

Special ability: none

Corruptibility: medium corruption

Spaceman nation: own ships

Special Buildings: Spaceport Authority: 25 Ship Training ... er#Levaner

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 30. September 2020, 14:06
von UesugiKenshin
.The bodies of the Storgor are opto-organic hybrid constructions that make them robust and insensitive to radiation. Your spine is encased in pure titanium, which provides sufficient gyro stability for the heavy head units and additional adapters that upgrade the Storgor to a specialist for a wide variety of tasks in a matter of seconds. A Storgor doesn't talk much, only gives orders. This is because he values ​​his ego and its technical expandability above all and does not allow or have to allow anyone else a spark of reason. There are no "stupid" Storgors, only less good-natured ones. They outdo each other in their endeavor to explore the limits of optimization in all areas and have now reached the last point, the universe itself. The Storgor adapt very quickly and unscrupulously to changed framework conditions in order to always take into account the development that is optimal for them.

Home system: Storgor

Technological progress: very advanced

Special Ability: Sneaky

Corruptibility: medium corruption

Spaceman nation: own ships

Special building : Frontier research network: + 115% energy technology ... er#Storgor

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 30. September 2020, 14:09
von UesugiKenshin
Thremdomas ... Thremdomas
The Thremdomas are incredibly tough and strong creatures whose bones are made of almost unbreakable, malleable grids. Although there are no Thremdomas who write aesthetic literature or attend rhetoric seminars, their architecture is a must-see attraction in the whole quadrant. Due to the high gravity of their planet, the Thremdomas had to build their dwellings in the ground, mainly in hills and piles of earth, which is an impossible undertaking in the wafer-thin crust of their planet with conventional means. Due to natural complex automorphic shapes in the floor, which through the same kind of receptors on the outer skin of the Thremdomas transform the floor into a temporary bottle-like hollow, practically unlimited sleeping and shelter rooms are available to you overnight. Even small settled settlements have formed in this way in a few areas in which the soil has a higher density and deformability. The study of these automorphological conditions is likely to have extremely interesting structural consequences.

Home system: Remdomas

Technological progress: progressive

Special ability: producing

Bribery: difficult to bribe

Spaceman nation: own ships

Special building: Automorphiezentrum: + 50% structural engineering Thremdomas Association: +2 morale in the system ... Thremdomas

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 30. September 2020, 14:22
von UesugiKenshin
You can play however you want. I play as though the Omega leader is intelligent and noble and would rather absorb minor alien races through diplomacy rather than fight them, which is opposite how the file has them...which means I have to ensure the morale across the empire is high to offset the hit against making peace with those who would be the Omega's natural enemies.

It's pragmatic as war is expensive unless absolutely necessary. I don't want other races absorbing their ships, right? And the Omega have no ships as it's only about turn #160.
The better part of valour is discretion; in the which better part I have saved my life.
Falstaff, scene iv
The deeper meaning which is lost on the obtuse. ... -of-valor/

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Samstag 3. Oktober 2020, 06:32
von UesugiKenshin
Met the Cartare to my NW in a transport ship probably looking for a place to start an outpost. Immediately set to work by allocating 10% of intel points to espionage for them. They are my most dangerous potential foe. It begins.

I'm #1 in all areas by satisfaction and the military. I'm 3rd in the military, and I suspect the Terrans are #1 having gained minor race fleets. Luckily not the Cartare. Possibly the Khaoran are in #2.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Samstag 3. Oktober 2020, 08:48
von UesugiKenshin
Heyoun encountered to the East. Assigned 10% of intel to espionage.
Heyoun agree to a non-agression pact with the Omega.

I'm in the #1 slot and strangely in the #2 slot in the military with 5 Samech ships. It appears the Khaoran picked up no fleets and that is a very low number for #1 as their military score is just twice mine. So the Terrans picked up a weak minor alien race fleet or just has twice as many Terran ships and got not minor alien race fleets yet. Weird.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Samstag 3. Oktober 2020, 13:21
von UesugiKenshin
The biggest issue that I have with BotE (while being overwhelmingly impressed with 85% of it) is the way intelligence works. The nature of the beast in intelligence is sketchy reports and the ability to carry out missions. Why? You are counting on those who are betraying their empire to tell the truth and trust your operatives more.

I have way overbuilt intelligence agencies such that I often build ten. Now I can turn off the manager and modulate how many actually do the work, but that is a bizarre amount of redundancy.

Think it's overkill ? In the test with four empires in a game, the Khaoran made 20+ intelligence agencies on a single sector. See, that's ridiculous, but how many planets in that sector though?

And ordinarily you can't even travel across that region, yet you can make spy networks doing espionage? How would you do so? You ships can't physically get there due to range limitation.

When I colonize and am doing these major terraforming attempts across sectors, then I am not paying for all the infrastructure upgrades, but they are autogenerated. But the maximum is 4 intelligence agencies.

I can probably deal with sabotage with six empires in a game, because I colonize more and manipulate resource prices, but by brute force, and if the AI gangs up on the human player, especially at progressively higher levels of difficulty sabotage ruins the game.

It seems implausible so whatatever enjoyment then turns SOUR. Realize I've played BoftE over 2000 hours now. Even though the Balancer mod effectively turns off sabotage until after turn #650, it still will be an issue and an impetus to wage conventional war and sabotage back. Guerilla fighters and partisans might be able to inflict minor damage in isolated pockets, but not widespread chaos across whole sectors where one cannot even get there due to range limitations on a giant map.

See, it a source code programming issue based on map size. Unless one was some HUGE HYDRA empire tenacled in the center of a galaxy and reaching branches into every empire, how in the world would one innundate your enemy with that level of effective sabotage?

Your enemies would genocidallybassassinate all traveling freighters and merchants on an eradication campaign as the sabotage is devasting EVERYTHING. Every stranger would die. This would unravel their economy. It presumes sabotage is worse than nuclear weapons and unstoppable by making more nuclear missiles. Thus it becomes the ruination of BotE.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Samstag 3. Oktober 2020, 13:27
von UesugiKenshin
Turning off the manager and micromanaging your number of workers is tedious but not nearly as bad as micromanaging resource routes.

See it breaks down as say a small sector has 10 billion and an average sector has 30-40 billion and a large sector has 70+ billion. Well, you can't manage the workers but in integers and the total numbers in billions seem unrealistically small as 7.7 billion live on just our planet.

The growth rate is too high and peaks too fast. And at the other extreme, the total limit on sector size in citizens is too small.

Then it gets weird as at maximal efficiency, you can just construct one item in the building queue like a massive gigantic starship or a single level 5 ground invasion unit. That does not make sense.

Probably because a sector in astronomy is going to be a very large number of starclusters. See the sector of space time topic.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Samstag 3. Oktober 2020, 13:38
von UesugiKenshin
Probably it would be in a percentage where 100% is allocated on a production screen and then calculated by the actual number of citizens in billions and then putting 5% on security and 10% on research with sliders. But this idea of making one constructed item at a time makes no sense when talking billions of people. It's a logjam that wouldn't exist even with thousands of people.

When you balance construction than you might consider the massive resources to make one starship versus the far smaller amount to make an infantry unit. Starship construction would take a lengthy amount of time.

It's a cascading issue as solar date gets smaller and smaller and at turn#700 is 2 weeks of time. How do you fix that as the time scale changes??? What is a realistic amount of time to make a starship when billions are jointly working on it?

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Samstag 3. Oktober 2020, 13:49
von UesugiKenshin
Civ3 worked in terms of major cities and yet it displayed a calculation but could be configured to show an actual date. That is useful and as it is configurable, then in a WW2 mod, you have beta testers double checking how many troops, ships, planes are being constructed based on the time scale.

I think players are more interested in playing a scenario of waging war and far less interested in building things over large amounts of time.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Samstag 3. Oktober 2020, 13:53
von UesugiKenshin
You have to jump through hoops, but the Omega in the advanced turn#700 game are making millions per turn and completing every construction item in the queue every single turn. You can rush every item and this inflates the resources required, then sell VAST QUANTITIES of resources and deflate the value. Thus there isn't construction taking several turns but everything made in a single turn.

And what is peculiar is that should bankrupt the Omega, but the opposite happens and makes them endless millions. I made a utopia where the more you spend, the more you have. The Omega can't ever lose money.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Samstag 3. Oktober 2020, 22:02
von UesugiKenshin
Turn #196
After the Cartare uselessly declared war, it became obvious they are stretched thin and can't defend their borders. I used some gunboat diplomacy like Commore Perry with the Japanese. Then did nothing hostile but occupied two of their colonial sectors within range of my Samech cruisers and threatened with two more. Then after nine turns, offered a friendship treaty. ... g-to-japan

They accepted as their war declaration was impotent. It was a knee jerk reaction. I took a morale hit as the Omega like waging war, but I do not play them as warmongers.

So now we are all getting along, though I know they are stewing and angry...inside.

I'm intentionally placating the minor race aliens with fleets to butter them up for eventual I will need it.

What would be interesting would be if there was a campaign editor, you could set the "mood" of empires so they would be smarter about declaring war. You want your rivals to think everything is fine and you are the best of friends, then attack, right? Saberrattling is a wasted effort. You never want the enemy to know what you really think. In the Godfather 2, Vito Corelione snaps at his sons when they reveal their emotions. It makes you seem weaker to your enemies and it does nothing to make them fear you as you seem rash and immature. Such leaders make bad ill-fated decisions. Now the Cartare seem weak when we could have been allies...for a time.

Friendship costs nothing and is a stalling tactic to muster your economy and forces.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Samstag 3. Oktober 2020, 22:15
von UesugiKenshin
The Heyoun is like me and way to the south, but they are east of me.

The Omega are in the south west. I'm expanding and not greedy, but methodical and terraforming extensively and colonizing to maximize how many preset construction happens all at once as that saves me money.

The AI is rash and explores and tries to take contested territory and terraforms piecemeal. That is wasteful and risky and probably won't work. It does increase their range faster though. So what? Big deal. It does not accomplish anything.

The Cartare then are in the middle and to the west. So they are north of the Omega. That is a bad position as they probably are feeling beset on three sides. Declaring war on the Omega was stupid. They likely having some relief by having at least one side not threatened.

Whoever is east of the Cartare are likely in the same problematic spot...unless it's the Terrans. The Terrans can pick up a LOT of minor race fleets. Playing them stinks as you can't invade without a BIG morale hit. They have a big double edged sword problem as they can't wield it. What good is a giant sword if your citizens are in an uproar when you use it? See that is the USA in a nutshell as we have a giant military so we can handle multiple battlefronts, but everyone hates us, and our people get upset if we invade...even if it's justified!

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Samstag 3. Oktober 2020, 22:36
von UesugiKenshin
If you play the Khaoran honorably, it's a far more interesting game, but it's impossible until sabotage is remedied. They want to fight, but for honor as the Cartare, the Omega, and the Rotharians threaten the galaxy. They want to defeat them. And if the minor races ally with them, so much the better for when you use the ship designer, you could make totally badass ships.

The economy can be handled as I've discussed and that makes them able to have plenty of money for research and energy.

Up until now, they were the worst empire to play, but with the Balancer mod, if they don't screw around, they can crush the Rotharians and Cartare, but doing that and finishing off the Omega Alliance is like a Bridge Too Far.

It's expecting so much of them to pull off three major victories before sabotage again rears it's ugly head. The Terrans and Heyoun would feel threatened and afraid of the Khaoran and will start sabotaging them then.