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Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 21. September 2020, 17:51
von UesugiKenshin
If I mod as I want to with unquenchable militaristic desire, to alter sabotage to unleash the Khaoran as dread lords conquering the galaxy.

I would play them honorably and nobly, but nobody would mess with them. Or their enemies would pay the blood price. Everyone would want them as allies, as no one wants them as their nemesis.

With sabotage realistically happening latez(like turn #700+"), as it should happen, they would be frightening to behold.

Medieval subjects feared certain kings as they didn't want to ever see their fury. They may be great powerful even sometimes benevolent rulers, but if someone aroused their ire, they were walking dead men.
(In the public domain)
As I one evening sat before my cell,
Methought a star did shoot into my lap.
I rose and shook my clothes, as knowing well
That from small fires comes oft no small mishap;
When suddenly I heard one say,
“Do as thou usest, disobey,
Expel good motions from thy breast,
Which have the face of fire, but end in rest.”

I, who had heard of music in the spheres,
But not of speech in stars, began to muse;
But turning to my God, whose ministers
The stars and all things are: “If I refuse,
Dread Lord,” said I, “so oft my good,
Then I refuse not ev’n with blood
To wash away my stubborn thought;
For I will do or suffer what I ought.

“But I have also stars and shooters too,
Born where thy servants both artilleries use.
My tears and prayers night and day do woo
And work up to thee; yet thou dost refuse.
Not but I am (I must say still)
Much more obliged to do thy will
Than thou to grant mine; but because
Thy promise now hath ev’n set thee thy laws.

“Then we are shooters both, and thou dost deign
To enter combat with us, and contest
With thine own clay. But I would parley fain:
Shun not my arrows, and behold my breast.
Yet if thou shunnest, I am thine:
I must be so, if I am mine.
There is no articling with thee:
I am but finite, yet thine infinitely.”

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 23. September 2020, 03:20
von UesugiKenshin
If the Khaoran are fearsome awe inspiring ultimate warriors, that doesn't mean they are one dimensional bullies. Maybe they are calm and extremely confident, even amused as people get up and leave and sit on the opposite side of the bar

"Look, Sir....ahem, we don't want any trouble."

The Khaoran captain smiles. [If they only knew how shy I am. Or what if they knew how my mom still bosses me around?

Khaoran mom "Wipe your feet you big lummox. You got mud on my clean kitchen floor!"]

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 23. September 2020, 07:02
von UesugiKenshin
A good mod would have many versions of the current major aliens with very different morale data so people could play the way they wanted.

The problem with this is educating the players so they turn off many so only six show up on huge maps. Many wouldn't read the manual and then have immediate issues.

Irate new player "This mod is HARD! Argh. Why so many major races?"
Mod team member " didn't read the instructions, did you?"

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Freitag 25. September 2020, 18:41
von UesugiKenshin
As I completed turn #149, by my estimates, I should have explored a sixth of the map by turn#156, thus I need to prepare for a first contact with a major alien species then, right.

I'm ahead by a great deal in every category except my military strength, and I'm not interested in exploring the map and causing concern with the AI Major races. I want them to encounter me instead of wasting emergy. Whatever species I encountered would be in the sphere of influence of my neighboring major alien races, and so contest their own borders. If I am weaker in ships, that makes no sense.

I want to build and get stronger and keep reinvesting and advancing in research.I want to gain whatever minor alien ships as that is what the AI is doing. The only difference is they are running with high upkeep as they can't afford such a military. Doing so by the AI is self-sabotage as it reduces their capacity to grow. They cannot invade. At best they could elect to attack by bombardment.

So the Omega are the 3rd strongest in espionage/sabotagd in overall ability. And if I have huge surplus GDP, I can build plenty to counteract bombardment by sabotage and stealing ships. The exceptions would be if the Cartare and Rotharians end up as my neighbors to the east or north or northeast as all six empires are turned on.

BotE is a game of logical puzzles, and that is what governs what you build as infrastructure, and how you manage military spending. That is especially true from turns# 1 through turn# 400.

There is a protocol as no one is strong enough to wage war...yet. A rare crcumstance would occur when:
1. all six empires are activated,
2. maximal minor alien races are activates on a maximal galactic map,
3. and you had the maximal nearest neighbors be minor alien races (instead of distributed across the galaxy), [2 is the default setting but can be set to 9]
3. and by extremely lucky circumstances, empires had the minor aliens who most favored them due to their major race attributes being attractive to minor race attributes,
4. and so those without spaceships, and especially those with spaceships...prematurely had early favorable diplomatic relations,
5. did not see each other as a threat due to proximity,
6. and agreed to membership early.
7. Then those opponents would be extremely strong earlier than is the average.

That is a lot of oddball chance taking effect to make things difficult, and enabling major alien empires prematurely.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Freitag 25. September 2020, 18:52
von UesugiKenshin
The AI does practically the opposite of my choices. They will send in colony ships to peculiar M class sectors in their opponent's territory. That is a childish ploy as they likely cannot hold it, but would waste energy building it up by investing in infrastrucuture. That is foolhearty.

It can trigger a famine, but the most efficient way to colonize is to maximally terraform, and then colonize when all planets are ready. Why? Because then infrastructure automatically populates and you didn't have to undergo a construction program. My tactic saves considerable money.

If my opponent did that, I would send raiders as it was being completed as an escort and to attack, and a colony ship and steal their planet.

"Thanks for terraforming for me! The planet is perfectly ready for colonization!"

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Freitag 25. September 2020, 18:59
von UesugiKenshin
Why would that trigger a famine? When you terraform all of the planets of a sector first, the growth rate is unnaturally high. Thus you need to carefully watch the food storage.

90-95% of the time, I turn on the manager tab for each colonized system, but "trim" with the production tab when I anticipate issues. Most often, that is a turn #1 through turn #400 occurance as your research rises (the way I play) so it's compensated for after turn#401+

I do not like micromanaging, even though I could save money and maybe do 10% better. My goal is to get you advanced save games so you do not have to do all this building, but can start in turn#400 when BotE gets interesting.

See if the new players have 10 kinds of advanced save games, their first 3-4 games will be easier and they will be happier and probably they give BotE a higher evaluation. And the other 6-7 games will be a way they can jump right in with higher difficulty games.

There is a method to the madness of the marketing of computer tablet games.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Freitag 25. September 2020, 19:06
von UesugiKenshin
People give poor evaluations to free games when the game mechanics don't make sense. Then the player is frustrated even though the game is free, and most players don't evaluate games.

This is true. The ones who evaluate games are the finicky ones who are looking for things to dislike or the ones who had the best time, and it surprised them.

There is nothing fair about the evaluation of computer and tablet games. If everyone evaluated as part of the process of playing a gamd, you would have a bell curve, but you do not when looking at the statistics.

This is why any optional evaluation is biased and mercurial and random. Mostly it's about establishing a favorable relationship so the player can get more information from a forum, webpage, wikis, and so forth. And beating the game on the easiest level to feel a sense of military acccomplishment as it's validating them as players.

"Hey I'm good at playing this space 4x game. I like this game. I understand how to play. I'm going to send in a favorable rating as a token of my appeciation. I'll probably visit a forum to get tips on strategy and tactics and look for "walk-thrus".

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Freitag 25. September 2020, 19:24
von UesugiKenshin
Historically a medieval nation like France or Italy was at a cutural crossroads due to the movement of pilgrims to cathedrals and shrines, merchants, and the crusades. All this movement brought in exposure to new ideas from many ethnic people. And some were adopted. And some caused scientific advancement. And wealth was created through trade.

See if different people suppose they have a common ethos through Christianity, then they are less likely to attack as this triggers internal concern and diplomatic pressure outside.

You don't have this in BotE except as minor alien races having an affinity for major alien races. And the AI likely sees them as threats when they are no threat as they can't attack, only defend.

But membership gives the major alien empire ships by an artifical mechanism that they cannot afford. But it's supposed to prevent the better ones from being attacked. Instead they are subverted.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Freitag 25. September 2020, 19:27
von UesugiKenshin
Some strategy 4x games have "locked alliances" so some major group would already be mutually supporting each other. One could set several major aliens with almost the same major race attributes, and maybe they would like each other more...or at least for a longer period before considering their peer as a potential rival.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Freitag 25. September 2020, 19:34
von UesugiKenshin
The biggest barrier to conflict and probes and border clashes and skirmishes and battles and war is the loss of invaluable trade income. War is expensive and risky and if declaring war cuts off trade, then an empire faces bankruptcy. So they don't do it as they got burnt economically and politically before trying it.

You need professional soldiers who are veterans and reliable and disciplined and follow orders. This requires seasoned wise commanders who employ tactics and strategy. So they have organized training to drill and learn new skills and so military academies. And those teach soldiers to support political leadership and not start a coup d'etat...or the whole process unravels into one despot after another.

Waging war should not happen before turn#600...or it's inefficient, reckless, and likely fails...which is humilating.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Freitag 25. September 2020, 19:39
von UesugiKenshin
This is why you have strategy games that utilize scripting as you can have events happen on turns if triggers are satisfied...not before as everything isn't ready.

You have little conflicts like weak pirates or a small weak group of rogues and the player then has some minor conflict "to test the new soldiers and give them a thrill and some experience to become veterans."

Master Sergeant "Go get 'em brave soldiers. Raise Hell and kick ass!"

Corporal "You heard Sarge. Let's rock!"

Every soldier is ready and feels fear but doesn't feel afraid.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Freitag 25. September 2020, 19:50
von UesugiKenshin
The players want to fight and they are not strong enough to fight...for a long time. And if they fight, it won't be done in a disciplined effective manner.

Advanced save games get you there quicker, in a stable way, with prebuilt units, and a treasury which can support the endeavor.

They save you from "chomping at the bit" as wild stallions are apt to do.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Freitag 25. September 2020, 19:55
von UesugiKenshin
Load one of my advanced save games, probably the turn#700 one, and send a massive orchestrated strike force, and followed by troop transports. Then you understand the "logistics" so you know, "How long will it take to get there, and how can I get everyone there at the same time, and in an effective manner so I crush the enemy"?

So when you build an empire from scratch, you will do it effectively as then it isn't your first time at command. You are a seasoned military commander with no illusions and bringing your best forces to bear on those who resist you.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Sonntag 27. September 2020, 17:38
von UesugiKenshin
It's not a big deal to run a megagame version of BotE by turning many things on even on a barebones Android tablet. What will happen though is IF stellar anomalies are set high, and you have 200 starships traversing a giant galaxy, carelessness will cause navigation errors. BotE most of the time charts an entirely appropriate flight plan that attempts to get around anomalies like nebula. But it can't always do that, so beginners should take note of the flight path for every ship dispatched or anything might happen before you notice your error.

I said this before. A pointy-eared green blooded First Officer on a famous science fiction show chastized a navigator/pilot at the helm for being slightly off on the calculation. The reality is potentially serious risk, though it was dismissed on the show, but space time is mostly empty, right?

Captain "WTF! You dolt! You sent us straight into a wormhole! You're being demoted to ensign..."
Lietenant at the helm (sheepish) "Sorry, Captain..."
Captain "Just where the heck are we in the galaxy?"
Now Ensign "Errr...right in enemy territory next to 5 dreadnoughts..."

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 30. September 2020, 13:55
von UesugiKenshin
Things are coming along well. I've been busy doing other things, but will get this advanced save game to turn #400 before starting code on the Balancer mod. Currently the Omega are in 1st place across the board by a significant margin except for the military, but that's because my focus has been investment in the economy and not meeting any other empire yet.

Why? Because I have so many neighboring minor races that have space faring ability! The Karorr hated me, but I turned it around. The Levans and Storgor have trade with me, and the latter have cloaking ability! The Thremdomas like me. My planis to get the last three's ship technology and fleets and it will be lucky if I get the Karorr's by turn #400, but hope they are at least friendly by then.

There are 32 space faring minor alien races and getting 4 would seriously help anyone playing this save game and bviously boost their starting ships plus ability to create and design ships by adding their tech to the Omega's own tech.