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Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 14:05
von UesugiKenshin
When you have an open ended game, then a modder can create ways to fulfill their desires and they are all completely different.

A wargamer wants to fight battles that are complex due to diversity of units where some are more susceptible to others of the enemy while other are superior to the enemies forces. Then build the scenario is such a way that the battle can be resolved within a relatively short time span say within 12 hours of play.

Others like exploring and what they want is the experience of alien life forms with rich culture and stories.

Some are builders and want to have some scoring method so they know when they are optimizing the economy and pleasing the people.

Some are altruists (or wish they were) and so want to do humanitarian missions and so feel like they had a positive experience.

Some people just want to stomp on every alien and destroy them.

Some people are problem solvers and it's then troubleshooting and remedying that they enjoy as it is a kind of logic puzzle.

So a modder creates unique ways all of that happens.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 14:26
von UesugiKenshin
Each sector has a main planet that based on AI terraforming would be the primary site for colonization, thus that planet usually is the most populous. So in a ground invasion, since the whole point is not to eradicate, but merely debilitate those resisting, then the most likely organized resisters are likely on that densely populated planet in urban zones.

Again looking at this is illustrative of where such civilian casualties would be. ... ensity.png

So in actuality, most civilian casualties, based on colonization dispersal of immigrants would be that main planet and in a pattern like this most excellent map.

A military commander thus can preserve life by dealing with such regions, but using manuever warfare. You have a rough time establishing a beachhead which is the landing zone and under serious antiaircraft artillery (typically the bloodiest part of the war). Then occupy and deploy forces toward the capitol in all haste so the enemy has little time to react and muster forces to oppose you. Thus such decapitation may then cause a swift cessation of hostilities. Regardless fleeing enemy forces will seek safety in defensible zones and try using asymmetric warfare and a counteroffensive.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 14:38
von UesugiKenshin
These are colonists and based on the age of an inhabited sector, likely not at maximum population and not organized, so focused attacks then reduce civilian casualties. That is the whole point of stealth bombers.

If BotE had such a factor, then precision strikes take out the command centers, thus there is no logical means of organizing counteroffensive and orchestrating attacks to slow down the manuever warfare, thus minimize civilian casualties.
Stealth bombers are the key.

You want to take out the major race homesector, but realistically this is difficult. But in the present situation where the Heyoun have no operating military capacity that are undamaged, then that would be the most likely way to end the galactic war...if there were alternative surrendering terms like client kingdoms, vassalage, or some other option.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 14:47
von UesugiKenshin
The origin of the stealth bomber almost certainly is of German origin from WW2 and the Horten Ho 229.

It was a stealth fighter. If Germany had been larger like the USA, or if there was organized support as actually happened in US history, then WW2 might have unfolded in entirely different ways.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 14:51
von UesugiKenshin
Major General Smedley Butler was the most decorated US Marine officer at the time, and wealthy industrialists sought to have a military coup and topple FDR. It almost happened but he was such a STAUNCH patriot that he gave Congressional testimony.
Had this plot not been foiled, then those superwealthy instigators who were supportive of Germany would have been empowered and been similar to the zaibatsu in Japan. ... aibatsu%20(%E8%B2%A1%E9%96%A5%2C%20%22financial%20clique,end%20of%20World%20War%20II.

The world came dangerously close to becoming fascist.

England similarly had such supporters which is why Hitler in the Battle of Britain did not press the Luftwaffe to defeat the RAF. He was shocked as he was led to believe that sufficient numbers of British supported the Nazis.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 15:14
von UesugiKenshin
BotE has laid the groundwork for a remarkable space strategy game, but remains largely unknown outside of Germany. So either a group of programmers could come in and collaborate and see it fully realized or a second generation commercial game could be made, or nothing is done and it is passed by other ambitious and well funded gaming companies.

I see BotE as the potential of space gaming and I am not given to superlatives. It would be a shame if nothing happens.

All these add-on elements could and likely would make BotE become extremely popular, but likely nothing will happen due to insufficient ambition.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 17:00
von UesugiKenshin
It's turn #513 and without any credible military threat, I can conquer the galaxy in 10 turns. Do you think playing as the Omega that this is a likely goal. I do not.

The Omega are genetic engineers who are plant symbiotes called the Vi, and while they have compliant Da'unor bodies as hosts, it almost certainly would bother them. What they want is a perfect host who allows them to be emancipated from the limitations of either the Vi bodies or the Da'unor.

There is only one rationale to conquering, as their basic Da'unor inhabited sectors would suffice economically and militarily to be 100% unassailable. The only rationale is to gather genetic specimens and through genetic engineering combine the best qualities and synthesize a new lifeform in which implantation is ideal or develop an alternative artificial immortal lifeforms which could receive upgrades.
A documentary of what the Labors of Hercules symbolize from a humanities perspective.

Conquering is an expensive process leaving them with managing the entire galaxy and so administering all the species: a thankless Herculean labor. It means sublimating their chief desires and instead being bureaucrats. It is counter-productive.

So not only would transcendence be a likely goal, but perfection is a goal and they are not the same. A being seeking transcendence is like a god who wants to either rule or leave this spacetime. A being seeking perfection and staying is a bodhisattva. Gods seek worship as a form of acknowledgement. A bodhisattva seeks no acknowledgement. Acknowledgement is irrelevant. However a bodhisattva is typically benevolent and though my actions have been mixed and benevolent to those who capitulated or who survived subjugation, the Omega are not benevolent within their "ethical system" which is how negative and positive checks weigh against morals.
What is the difference between the Buddha and a Bodhisattva?

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 17:09
von UesugiKenshin
In Zen Buddhism, there is a saying, "If you meet the Buddha...kill him!".

Why? Because likely he is a fraud. No one can enlighten another. Enlightenment cannot be transmitted. It is like Plato's Cave. You can remove those imprisoned in chains in the cave, and they cannot deal with "reality". ... 20Buddhism

Plato's Cave animated

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 17:25
von UesugiKenshin
There is a strange irony that a Buddhist might seek oblivion ie self-destruction to emancipate the spirit from the body: nirvana. That didn't work out so great for Kurt Cobain. It is liberation from the endless cycle of reincarnation and suffering.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 17:34
von UesugiKenshin
If BotE was mission based, then human player of a major empire could seek to act in enlightened ways to do simple tasks of increasing complexity until finally total galactic peace is achieved. Then they would be acting as altruists. A bodhisattva might not as his or her interference might actually cause more suffering. Having what one desires is not always a good thing if one is a drug addict. A Daoist would be concerned about such massive interference.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 17:40
von UesugiKenshin
Change Tzu who is a Daoist and sharply chides a zealous student who is offered a chance to serve in a kingdom. He has big plans to tell the ruler how to do everything so it is benevolent and just, and Chuang Tzu warns him if he does so, he will make a disastrous mess and likely not escape unscathed. He is too ambitious and overzealous and lacks moderation.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 17:43
von UesugiKenshin
To a Rotharian, it might be entirely moral and ethical to eradicate all species so they can in time colonize unhindered. They have no desire to coexist.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 17:45
von UesugiKenshin
The AI will never do this, but a player of the Terran empire claims to want to coexist with everyone and never bombard.

The Khaoran want to be assured they are the best warriors, but if they accomplish that goal, then immediately they have nothing to do.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 17:47
von UesugiKenshin
I say BotE is open ended and play in ways that make you content. That is all that matters and mod it to be however you desire.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 21:48
von UesugiKenshin
If one could modify the ground invasion formula with a factor of stealth technology and remember there are six levels up to full cloaking, then it makes sense one could make a surgical strike against a sector, say the enemy home sector, and decapitate the power structure. Then save billions of civilian lives. ... tle=Tarnen
Level 0: no camouflage
Level 1: Stealth I
Level 2: Stealth II
Level 3: Stealth III
Level 4: Cloak I
Level 5: Cloak II
Level 6: Cloak III
It would be a function of very high tech and upper level troops and probably they are quite expensive. You would have cloaked infantry and tanks and artillery and various cloaked jet fighters and bombers.

The AI is unlikely to give a crap if half a trillion die especially if they have many lower level troops. But human players would.

A modder could make lower level troops to be obsolete, and set up empires, thus intentionally not make lower level troops, and level up research, then maybe play an advanced turn#700 game where stealth and cloaked troop units are made.

But the formula for ground invasions is hardcoded so the combat formula would need a patch taking higher level research into consideration. I think this is one my better ideas.