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Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 01:41
von UesugiKenshin
Early colonists in America noticed fairly quickly that whole regions were entirely hunted out as wild game relocated due to human encroachment. The same was true for fishing. You have a limited seasonal window, and there ain't any, and with no restriction on how many fish or animals are taken, then they are gone. The cycle does not perpetuate. And even if you take them, the food spoils without refrigeration and through some adaptation like making pemmican.

It is feast and then famine as anyone who watches the Alone tv series finds out and as long time practicers of bushcraft and indigenous knowledge already know through common sense.

The original ketogenic diet was utilized for diabetics in pre-insulin availability days. The US Navy Seals looked at it, and rigorously tested it, and ended up rejecting it as not a superior system to create better professional soldiers.

This continued even with the bison(buffalo) and then they were gone as sure as mastodons.

Hunting would be a cultural activity likely that is part of a species rich diverse history and so perpetuating it means serious planning and management to improve morale not the food supply. Improving morale makes sense to maintain the historical traditions of a sentient species, but not for a realistic amount of food. There are miniscule places with very low population density that can sustain such hunting.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 01:53
von UesugiKenshin
Someone terraforming can easily create a fish species that produces in abundance, but this is moronic as that is what happened when Asian carp was introduced in America. It took over and carp encroachment then create hostile living conditions for the more valuable game fish.

There would be a temptation to intensionally do something like this...and it would backfire across the galaxy.

Certain fish in Africa can go dormant and enter a type of suspended animation, thus that adaptation allows them to live in river mud, then bounce back when the rains come.

Several aquatic species with temperature extremes have to survive without food and live in such a way that it is like they have antifreeze in their circulatory system.

It would not surprise me at all if some sentient life on other worlds lived in the oceans and similarly went through such cycles when food is scarce based on seasons.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 02:01
von UesugiKenshin
When salmon spawn, they expend such immense energy to return to the place where they came from, that they become zombie fish and their bodies fall apart and they are worthless for eating.

The just hatched salmon live off the decaying flesh of their parents. The same thing happens with newly hatched spiders cannibalizing their mother.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 02:10
von UesugiKenshin
Sentient species on other worlds will have such unusual cultures that one could expect analogies from our own Earth and the diverse species and practices to have parallels. It will be shocking and early xenoanthropologists will be stunned by some of their findings.

Such things will lead to bigotry and revulsion and conflict. Just because a sentient creatures has a head and arms and legs and displays bilateral symmetry, once should not expect human behavior. Our human ways will seem as bizarre to them as we view insects.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 02:20
von UesugiKenshin
A vegan-like species would be revolted by an omnivore diet as happens among most human societies, and some carnvivore species like the Klingons would be offended by a vegan diet as one that is passive and like livestock.

Neither is wrong. In history, humans ate meat for practical reasons as it is nutrient rich. Try bushcraft and you find out how minimally wild edibles can produce calories other than a few species like nuts. And that harvest time is limited. Thus our ancestors in history ate as much meat as they could source and afford, but largely ate stored plant harvests to sustain themselves after organized harvests.

Something so basic then affects an entire culture like the indigenous tribes of the people of the Plains in America. Their culture was organized around buffalo. It pervaded every aspect of their art and skills and history and religion. If you think I am overemphasizing, you likely haven't taken any classes on biology, ecology, anthropology, and sociology. And all that affects medicine as well. It affects human habitation so basic engineering.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 02:31
von UesugiKenshin
The men and women who gave way to the first exploration of the Earth via the oceans were the product of the Renaissance though certainly the Scandinavian people of the Viking culture laid the groundwork.

Similarly the soldier astronauts of the 21st century will be extremely physically and mentally disciplined human beings, a polymath and brilliant, and erudite about many different disciplines. In every way they are the best of the best of the best which is the basis for the supermen of Khan Noonien Singh.

They are Nietzsche's Ubermensch.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 02:42
von UesugiKenshin
There is a scene in Robert Heinlein's Stranger In a Strange Land, where the original human astronauts sent to Mars are chosen, and they all are experts in many different fields as well as being balanced husband and wife couples, so they can realistically send a small party of ultracompetent scientists. They have to know everything and others have to plausibly do their job if one gets sick or disabled. That is how rigorous it would be to have such astronauts. ... range_Land

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 03:54
von UesugiKenshin
The map is fully explored by turn #513. I could have explored it far earlier, but likely would have lost scouts. The last alien species was discovered, so in this game there are 123. What I could do now is a statistical analysis of planet classes, though it would take hours and be tedious. It would be information about the frequency of planet classes and star types and how often empty space shows up and all gas giant sectors plus the population ranges. That is actually useful information and determines what adjustment should be made to galactic map generation.

It will take too long to be benevolent so after a few more turns, it is doom for any minor races and the Heyoun. I have too much to do to see how diplomacy would play out. Bribery totally failed as expected which is nonsensical. Only two races can oppose me with minimal token resistance.

If the Earth was facing the loss of 50% of all human life by an alien invasion, does anyone think governments wouldn't capitulate given that such capitulation results in an exponential advance infrastructure, wealth, and standard of living? Presuming no professional soldiers at all, then the most likely number who would rise up as resistance is 13% of 7.7 billion or 1,001,000,000
resistance fighters plus 2 billion other civilian casualties. And it would totally fail and be pointless.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 04:11
von UesugiKenshin
The point of resistance is to be a stalling tactic so potential allies can elect to enter into diplomatic and military solutions or to make the cost of the invasion so high that the enemy loses their resolve. Thus the AI just aimlessly resisting is absurd....unless they have a warrior tradition say among the Klingons, the Afghans, the former Japanese under Bushido, etc. Obviously nothing has diminished Irish resistance in Northern Ireland. Some people will resist no matter what.

No one is coming deus ex machina to save the day and the Omega will not stop so it is totally an illogical conclusion. The minor races have had ample opportunities to enter into a positive relationship with the Omega.

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 12:39
von UesugiKenshin ... aster-race
The Chinese are experimenting with eugenics to create superior soldiers and now the French are discussing it. This type of Doctor Frankenstein experimentation may be stopped in America, but if the Chinese persist, a new arms race will begin.

It is just like the Russians and the Chinese boasting hypersonic missiles and autonamous submarines. If they do it, we have to do it.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 12:45
von UesugiKenshin
I'm going to decapitate the Heyoun and then save the game and maybe come back to it. BotE will be far more interesting with alternative surrending possibilities. I don't want to do a statistical analysis of the galaxy as it probably will take 12 hours, but that is good data. Likely certain stars more regularly produce certain planet classes. That is how I would organize it so it has some logical methodology. Some star types may be more prevalent as it is a function of the age of the galaxy...or should be. Certain stars then influence the dispersal of raw material types. All 1600 sectors have to be catalogued so it could take days to record, compile data, and run an analysis.

Likely then an astronomy would work with biologists and determine that life then arises based on such data, thus the dispersal of minor and major races would be predictable.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 12:53
von UesugiKenshin ... 20pressure.
This scientifically is labeled the circumstellar habitable zone. Then astronomers looking for exoplanets consider many factors with gravity effects, star type, and the circumstellar habitable zone being the most important as well as the age of the planet for developing life plus advanced enough to have developed science particularly communications and emissions of certain nuclear isotopes.
The astronomers can do a spectral analysis of the atmosphere of exoplanets and then are typical pollution gases given off? That may be due to their level of technology or it can be naturally occurring phenomena. Then theorize why. ... -spectrum/

Alien life may occur in radically different ways that would not support human sentient life, thus this manner of narrowing which exoplanets are habitable may be totally wrong. We could not live as thermophile bacteria or near volcanic emissions near hydrothermal vents in the ocean. ... onditions/

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 13:03
von UesugiKenshin ... ng%20there.
Extraterrestrial life may exist near hydrothermal vents as these most advanced extremeophiles have been found there versus unusual bacteria.
In computer science, the old term was GIGO garbage in garbage out.,_garbage_out
If you are using garbage data you can only get garbage conclusions. If you are biased and base extraterrestrial existence solely on what humans require, that probably is garbage. If alien life exists, why would it be anything like us? The more alien life has a totally different origin, then would such life even care we exist? Do we have any common frames of reference?

Do you hesitate to kill a big wolf spider when your wife screams there is one in the master bathroom, or do you just squish it?

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 13:14
von UesugiKenshin
Frames of reference exist not only in physics, but in philosophy and linguistics and all throughout the sciences. Extraterrestrial life communicting with gestures, facial expressions, and sounds may be entirely absent across the galaxy except for human beings and certain species like humpback whales and dolphins. We have expectations because coyotes and other canines or the dance of honeybees or bird songs, but that may not exist elsewhere.

They may emit light across wavelengths or emit a pitch of sounds of different timbre or speak in music or fm waves. If they speak in a electromagnetic frequency, to us that may be lethal radiation so even speaking to us may kill us as we are vulnerable to it.
Humpback whale song

We have no idea how to communicate with a whale, so how will we communicate with extraterrestrials with whom we have no common frames of reference?

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Montag 15. Februar 2021, 13:53
von UesugiKenshin
Why is galactic map statistical analysis important? If there is a predictable methodology to galactic map formation, then as a modder, you would want buildings available upon high levels of research to be accessible to confer some reasonable attributes as a reward to the player consistent to that planet type.

The most clever players and the most inquisitive then get to witness what they created upon construction. It should be great and both be problematic as all new power is as well as improve their military ability or confer special rewards like ease of making food, energy, research, etc.

Right now populations have unbelievable amounts of growth, when such overcrowding causes the worst social ills due to Malthusian forces. This is the standard explanation for why in high population density urban zones you have a preponderance of sociopaths and psychopaths so enormous crime. That means thefts, extortion, prostitution, child abuse, violent crimes, homicides, serial killers, etc.

BotE has no such elements when they do show up in other civilization battle games.

Growth is slow to be realistic and typically in GalCiv2, it acts as a pressure relief valve by sending a stream of immigrants from the Homeworld out into space. Thus it reduces Malthusian forces.

Part of being a manager is balancing this and this is why certain infrastructure lowers pollution or facilitates healthcare or improves logistics or you have traffic jams etc. The people within a region expect the government official to spend money so services exist so life is more harmonious and reflected in improving demographics scores, otherwise domestic morale is affected and if sufficient numbers of many regions have poor morale, then a revolution results.

Look at the history of colonization by the British empire. It was to remove undesirables like debtors or low level criminals. In fact, some subset of soldiers came from similar groups. These are organized societal methods to remove a problem in capitols and send them out to conquer a region so move the problem "out there" and in a probably constructive way.