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Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 10. Februar 2021, 13:00
von UesugiKenshin
Is there any resource truly lacking on the Earth? Not really. The amazing thing is while the moon is sterile, even now you could build a whole lunar colony using available resources. And as resources are extinguished, then that is the impetus for green energy. We really won't have non-polluting energy until we run out, and realize that solar is deeply polluting as is nuclear energy and wind power. Look that up as that may astonish you. Where did those electronic components come from and how are they mined and did that mining actual have malevolent exploitative effects in those nations?

Necessity is the mother of invention.

Resource routes do not help BotE but are like dragging a boat anchor. Trade would be great, but is unrealized thus far in BotE. If you can't find a resource in 20 light years, there is no way you are sending it even from adjacent sectors in the galaxy. Thus resource routes are flawed ideas. Resource routes are the worst kind of busy work and micromanagement.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 10. Februar 2021, 13:07
von UesugiKenshin
You imagine the current situation of the lack of resources in a nation. BotE is not about nations or planets but 20 light years which would have many solar systems and may have 80 planets. That would be unwieldy so 9 is what I suggest.

Is there a resource so rare that it cannot be found on 80 planets and countless moons and asteroids? I doubt it.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 10. Februar 2021, 13:16
von UesugiKenshin
I don't consider a future based on tapping the workforce of 7.7 billion to do manual labor. That is absurd with automation and robotics. Over time, the size of a population becomes irrelevant to how much work can be done. The size of a population influences how much food, water, raw materials, and finished products are required. This is a big calculation issue on ≤10.0 billion sectors. Merely by making them at least 10.0, that is solved.

It isn't realistic to think there are limited planets as the Milky Way galaxy has 6 billion. So BotE is 1/3 the size so would have 2 billion M class planets. It's a non-issue.

Every family on the Earth could own an entire Earth-like planet in the Milky Way, so there are no shortages and there is no poverty on a galactic scale and no need for war. That is hard to contemplate philosophically.

Real estate agent "How about this planet? Your family would be the sole inhabitants. Look at the beaches and woodlands! What a view!"
Buyer "No, the commute is too far and it has no curb appeal."
Real estate agent (irritated) "You can't please some customers."

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 10. Februar 2021, 13:36
von UesugiKenshin
On a microscale, that is what immigrant arrivals faced when heading out past St. Louis in a covered wagon and joining a group led by a scout into the western part of the USA. Prior to 1880, if one could save up the money for supplies like food, tools, and transportation, then one could "stake a claim" and if you improved the land and grew your own food or raised it as livestock, and built a home, and did so for seven years, that land was yours. 160 acres worth! No mortgages.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 10. Februar 2021, 14:56
von UesugiKenshin
Start of turn#509

There is a noticable incremental rise to 27 million that is happening as the Omega's conomy has turned a corner. Simultaneously there are new colonies coupled with 3 new members and many new treaties which will result in new memberships. That will continue to rise as those new territories begin massive construction programs. Some of the new targets sectors are suboptimal sectors in the 6-9 billion range, so moneymakers but not strategic holdings.

What also seems to happen was caution about navigating around stellar anomalies resulted in missing a few sectors that are substantial and within Omega territory. Then a few missed terraforming opportunities and the Heyoun's sphere of influence is faltering so there are disputed territories the Omega can seize, and that further erodes this weakening position allowing even newer challenges to former Heyoun territories. It has a cascading effect.

If this keeps up, perhaps more and more minors will abandon them. You want that as otherwise close minor race members to the Heyoun empire then see your declaration of war as a declaring war on them. That means many more gifts to change their acceptance when the Heyoun finally implode as a major race.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 10. Februar 2021, 15:03
von UesugiKenshin
There is a silly puzzle game Jenga typically played with your children to teach them to use tactical thinking by removing blocks without collapsing the structure. Essentially the Omega are doing that to Heyoun territory and ultimately it will collapse until all they have are actually inhabited sectors. I can fix it so they cannot expand and ruin their ability to muster.

It is like pulling 100 pieces of yarn in a sweater while someone is wearing it. It is all unraveling.

With sabotage, you can only focus on a single area, but in reality, the Omega have a growing 1.71 million in intel points, so I could sabotage their economy, diplomacy, research, besides military sabotage and their whole empire would collapse. They would be beset on all sides even without declaring war.

I initially experimented with just diplomatic sabotage which was not effective. Military sabotage is ridiculously effective as minor races sometimes have that as an ability like assassins. I could reconfigure it so it a fraction of what it is now or have them infiltrate economic sectors so destroy the AI's economy. Economic warfare has a long tradition in history. I personally think it should affect diplomacy, then minors are more important. Doing so makes subjugation attractive. I think the minor races should be stronger.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 10. Februar 2021, 15:16
von UesugiKenshin
The Omega have 45 minor race members and the Heyoun have 31, so they just lost 2. The rats are fleeing a sinking ship.

The Azorans have offered a membership and what is helpful about that is they make transports that can protect themselves just like the Palan. ... r#Azoraner
The Azorans Bremmeth transport is a pretty good vessel and when maxed out by redesigning it, it is a respectable starship.
36 lasers, an anti-melee, ablative armor, with regenererative shields transport is pretty great. The German BotE wiki has no speed listed so I'll have to investigate that. The Omega transports while defenseless are very fast at 4.2 sectors a turn.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 10. Februar 2021, 15:52
von UesugiKenshin
By comparison, the Palan Paqlan transport has better weaponry, but has a speed of one and is short range.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 10. Februar 2021, 16:02
von UesugiKenshin
With advanced technology, wealth, and a glut of raw materials, any species would make the best subclasses of any starship, thus controlling the minor races loses a strategic value. It has to be an option to balance thing as the Rotharians are soloists. They don't desire member races.

Not only that, the AI is often inclined to not take no as an answer, so will just drive a minor race into extinction through bombardment. There is no point to have specialized minor race ships if they can be lost so easily.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 10. Februar 2021, 16:14
von UesugiKenshin
I'm going to have to look at every single inhabited sector, but I have seen no evidence as yet that the AI creates resource routes. If that is so, then the AI is likely quite crippled concerning building infrastructure, and so even more economically restricted. Which means when modding BotE by creating multiplayer advanced save games, the modder should carefully create resource routes for all players (including the AI).

99% of the time after turn #300, I really don't have to create resource routes as my commodity manipulation system is far more profitable. Otherwise even if I generate millions for every empires' treasuries, they still will run out of raw materials for starships and troops. The goal is to have at least 90 % of infrastructure complete so one doesn't have to deal with this, though one can always do so for redundancy or to accelerate mining efficiency or add a LOT of minefields or extra orbital defenses.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 10. Februar 2021, 16:28
von UesugiKenshin
Looking at Star Trek, how likely do you think a successful Q'onos or Earth or Romulus invasion would be? Not bloody likely. There would be overwhelming sector defenses. Taking Q'onos should monsterously hard with enormous casualties. These should be the very last ones attacked in a war, and it's far more plausible that a ceasefire would be declared. It would be well beyond fubar.
What makes more sense than military sabotage is "funding the opposition" so their own rebellious people are in sects and intentionally damage as acts of resistance, and then your empire strikes a peace treaty with the new leadership. I really like this idea as I doubt the Federation would drive the Klingons into extinction. That seems almost implausible.

You are not putting many of your agents in play as saboteurs, but transporting some to the surface to work in league with the enemies' opposition. This has happened since ancient times. Julius Caesar didn't just hire mercenaries, but made political promises so some lower level chieftain would get a shot at rulership that otherwise would not happen.

Client Kingdoms ... controlled.

It really only requires text changes. It's not so much about a major race getting cosmetic surgery to blend in, but local freedom fighters getting arms shipments and advanced technology to cause sabotage.

Either or both and make Client Kingdoms and vassalage to be preferable. No extinctions.

Egypt would have caused en masse starvation before allowing anything but a client kingdom to happen under part of Roman history. ... %20Emperor.

Say you successfully invade and occupied Q'onos. Is there anyone silly enough to think you could get morale to 100? Impossible. It wouldn't happen. You would have to eradicate every last Klingon. It would be nightmarish and no soldier would ever get any sleep.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 10. Februar 2021, 23:02
von UesugiKenshin
The Chet Magnum has a top speed of 2 so it can go 2.2 sectors per turn with special research enhancements. The places requiring terraforming and colonization are on the opposite side of the galaxy, so the likely time to get there to start is 19 turns (and the likely time scale is 2 weeks per turn so 38 weeks from when they are dispatched). Then start terraforming which is not a fast process.

The ship designer in the research submenu has no provisions to enhance the engine's propulsion velocity. That is a flaw as far as I am concerned. And the entire process is flawed as the AI cannot take advantage of this so it is wildly unbalanced.

This can be corrected by preset subclasses. There are problems though as the AI is not at all smart about how to build infrastructure, so does this in the least efficient way. Not only that, but it will sometimes colonize the silliest sectors that are as small as 0.8 billion to 3.0 billion in the advanced save game.

A good modder would colonize for wargamers in a scenario, so the best logical 10.0+ billion sectors are terraformed and colonized, but the AI will still try to do colonization. A smart player can colonize even a 6.0 billion sector and make it profitable. The AI likely won't.

You don't really want protected colony ships (armor and weaponry) as it is doubtful you will ever win a battle, but having a fast colony ship is extremely useful in some circumstances in a regular game. In a advanced save game that is all planned out, you only need one if you totally bombarded and vaporized the enemy and have to recolonize.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 10. Februar 2021, 23:09
von UesugiKenshin
It is honestly dumb to race across the galaxy to colonize sectors one cannot defend. The only reason I am colonizing with 60+ colony ships is the Heyoun has no capacity to do so as I keep sabotaging them. Dispatching colony ships all the way across the galaxy means either doing this in jumps as stellar anomalies are certainly present, or being incredibly lucky. The pathfinding on BotE is marvelous though.

A small percentage are within 8-9 turns, and the rest are very long term goals. In 19-20 turns, things can dramatically change. I conquered three major races in 20 turns prior. I could have made these ships 20 turns ago, but I wasn't certain I was going to totally demolish my enemies so radically. Then those ships might have been attacked and it would have been for nothing. Running a sustained terraforming and colonization program and attacking 4 empires at the same time is a strange phenomena.

Looking at the galactic map is misleading now as it looks like I control 90% of the galaxy as my military strength and force projection is now overwhelming. Sphere of influence is largely illusionary. In some games, one could get cocky and end up losing hundreds of ships. ... jection%20(or%20force%20projection,state's%20power%20in%20international%20relations.
Force projection

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 10. Februar 2021, 23:22
von UesugiKenshin
It probably is not advisable, but a modder could make colony ships so the earlier subclasses grow obsolete, and then make the last subclass of colony ships unable to be made past a certain point, thus no more colonizations can take place. Or make the final subclass of colony ships horrendously expensive. One could then have spare colony ships just sitting at a training facility as spares.

What this might do is limit AI blunders with tiny colonies where those sectors are ≤6.0 billion. The best solution is a minimum of 10.0 billion sectors. It helps the AI.

Re: Advanced Save Game Six Empires Huge Map and Minor Races

Verfasst: Mittwoch 10. Februar 2021, 23:36
von UesugiKenshin
What is the minimum number of Omega Level 6 troops needed to invade 70 Heyoun territories?

I estimate a single transport loaded with 6 troops is needed per sector so 70 transports and 420 troops. It is smarter to just plan on 85 transports and 510 troops as extra for contingencies. I could just bombard them, but I won't.

The question mark is what about minor race sectors? I have 42, I might get into 52. I don't know really. There are 122 so that leaves plausibly 80 so use the same transports and troops, but it is smarter to just have 80 more transports and 480 troops just waiting to go in. Omega transports are fast and some troops are in the area, but some need to be loaded and soon from the southern regions so getting there in 10-12 turns.

So figure giving deployment orders for up to 165 transports fully loaded with 900 (plausibly a 1000) troops. That will take awhile as this is a major undertaking.

BotE is not an arcade game by any means.