round about BotE for Android

Discussions about BotE for Android should take place here

Welchen weg sollte ich wählen?

BotE so gut wie möglich zu Portieren mit der erforderlichen kleinen Änderungen in der Benutzeroberfläche um es berührungsfreundlich zu machen
Ein neues Spiel erstellen mit eventueller Benutzung von einigen Ressourcen aus BotE (wenn ich dafür die Erlaubnis bekomme). Hier denke ich zuerst an Planeten, Sterne usw.
Ein komplett neues Spiel zu erstellen, es würde vielleicht BotE und BoF ähneln (z.B. will ich unbedingt eine gitterartige Karte) aber sonst würde es sich anders verhalten.
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Re: round about BotE for Android

Beitrag von blotunga »

Also wenn ich Zeit habe kann ich nachsehen in einen Spielstand was mit den Geld los ist. Was die Bestechung angeht, sollte es normalerweise das Selbe sein wie vorher wenn mir nichts unterlief. Ausschliessen kann ich nichts, in den letzten 2 Jahren hatte ich fast keine Zeit für BotE und es wird noch einige Jahre (3-4) dauern bis ich noch mal genügend Zeit habe.
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Registriert: Montag 26. Mai 2014, 15:05

Re: round about BotE for Android

Beitrag von blotunga »

Von dem Code her es sieht aus das die Beziehung sich mindern sollte mit der Anderen Rasse. Hier auch ein Spielstand wäre am Besten.
Wo he hiv
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Registriert: Samstag 12. März 2016, 20:24

Re: round about BotE for Android

Beitrag von Wo he hiv »

Erst mal Danke. Im Anhang sind die Spielstände. Leider nicht mehr genau von den Runden sondern etwas später, allerdings habe ich jede Runde relativ grosse Schwankungen festgestellt. Nicht mehr so grosse aber ein Unterschied von 2000 - 3000 Credits waren es immer noch pro Runde soweit ich das im Kopf habe. Was ich ohne Gewinn/Verlust von nennenswerten Mengen an Handelsrouten immer noch beachtlich finde.
blotunga hat geschrieben: Dienstag 11. Juni 2019, 20:59 Von dem Code her es sieht aus das die Beziehung sich mindern sollte mit der Anderen Rasse. Hier auch ein Spielstand wäre am Besten.
Beziehung, oder Akzeptanz ? Das ist ja nicht dasselbe. Aber wie auch immer, die Spielstände sind im Anhang.
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Re: round about BotE for Android

Beitrag von blotunga »

Ist alles im Ordnung eigentlich, die Kredits stammen von einen Sternenbasenupgrade in einen eigenen Sternensystem. In anderen fällen (Spielstand 0005) hast du viel für Bestechung ausgegeben deswegen ist es nicht so sichtbar. Ich wundere mich ob es richtig ist das Sternenbasen so viel zurückzahlen wenn diese in einen eigenen System demontiert werden. Beim Upgrade wird auch eine Demontage vorgenommen, deswegen gibt es Kredits zurück.
Wo he hiv
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Registriert: Samstag 12. März 2016, 20:24

Re: round about BotE for Android

Beitrag von Wo he hiv »

Ach so, danke. Auf die Idee kam ich nicht. Das Bestechen sollte also auch funktionieren ?
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Registriert: Montag 26. Mai 2014, 15:05

Re: round about BotE for Android

Beitrag von blotunga »

Eigentlich sollte es. Aber es kann eine weile dauern.
Wo he hiv
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Registriert: Samstag 12. März 2016, 20:24

Re: round about BotE for Android

Beitrag von Wo he hiv »

Danke. Ja ich weiss, dass es eine Weile dauern kann. Aber abzuschätzen ab wann es nicht mehr normal ist, ist für mich schwierig. Ich spiele das Spiel nun mal nicht so oft. :wink:
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: round about BotE for Android

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

The game is delightful particularly because I have been playing a lengthy campaign as the Borg in an old Civ2 mod.

I've tried playing as both the Omega Alliance (Dominion) and as the Klingons. I really enjoyed how both of those empires start in quite different ways.

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to attach save game files with descriptions of the settings and the empire? If so, then rather than play a lengthy 250+ turns just to get to a somewhat populated map plus minor and major races, then many Android players could effectively have scenarios rather than start in turn #1 from scratch.

The various editors don't work for the Android Linux versions. In various military strategy games, you can create scenarios and so populate the map. Until such a scenario editor is created (if ever for the port to Android Linux), then a variety of save game files would largely work almost as well.

I was uncertain where to post this as the question/statement deals with the Google Play store version plus is in English. Feel free to relocate the post wherever is most appropriate.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: round about BotE for Android

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

There is a slight calculation error regarding how many turns are left in the planet screen versus in the overview screen with typically a discrepency of 1. Say you buy the item. In the empire planet screen, it shows a zero (as the item was rushed through payment, but in the planet screen itself, it still shows a value of one. Likely this has already been reported to the developer.

Because there aren't effectively tactics that I know of versus standard strategy, then some players will likely be bored as it's largely devoid of graphics but rather about number crunching. In reality military engagements are won based on morale and best use of terrain, weather, tactical maneuvering, flanking and pinning, etc.

I just started playing, and so I don't know what command attributes are involved in the engine...yet. In Medieval 2 Kingdoms Total War, the unit commaders have gained experience by the use of various forces, logistics, artillery, etc. As the units attain experience, if those units then gain "modifiers", then effectively tactics play a role where it's not just pure combat simulator calculations. I'm hoping this is already an aspect of "gaining experience" as then say an individal ship (using it's designator name) or as the flagship of a fleet ie as an "admiral", then can take a smaller force and beat a larger force by such modifiers. That would more than overcome the lack of animations.

In GalCiv2, you could turn on the animations but they were superfluous as the outcome was already determined by such calculations. Sins of the Solar Empire went the opposite route and had excessive animations that magnificent to watch, but unnecessary.

It honestly comes down to sticking with a unit and rising with experience and gaining tactics that makes a space strategy game turn into roleplaying and especially so in a multiplayer game (which is all but impossible to actually play in reality). Such a unit then should get medals which is vital for any veteran. Then such "commanders" rise in a limited way to be the flagship in fleets as they are not transferable but stuck as the techtree is learned.

In GalCiv2, fleet points rose and eventually maxed out how many ships could join.

If you progressed to later versions, then new captains would be created and deployed by "loading" them into various ships. So they have lifespans to limit how long they stick around or else are immortal. Then when they die, the loss of command attributes is acutely felt as the fleet is leaderless.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: round about BotE for Android

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

Since there isn't a campaign or scenario editor, one way to build a map reminscent of the Star Trek map is to allow a mode where the human player can play as all of the factions. And then painstakingly making choices to limit expansion in a realistic fashion and slowly build up equivalent power between the races. Then you could end up with a map like this.
That is what I ended up doing for a Civ2 mod to place the Cardassians, Federation, Romulans, Klingons, Borg, and other Neutral Races. Then in turn I allowed the main five to swallow up the neutral races' sectors and ended up with a somewhat accurate map.

That took perhaps 100 hours of map generation and then maybe at least 300-400+ hours of play to have it look plausible and then allowing the AI to then begin to take over.

Such a mode merely means a player can choose to play and then later allow the AI to control their empires. Then you save the games individually as the Cardassians, Federation, Romulans, Klingons, and Borg (with the latter have a very small number of sectors such that it can recreate the Wolf 359 incident). With those individual save games, players can choose to play as those ready-made empires.

The Ferengi actually control a very small empire. You can then have the Borg take their position and put the Dominion much further out northwest of the Cardassians. I presume the major races tend to have default map positions based on the map array size...especially so with a 40 x 40 irregular map (1600 plausible sectors) and with a larger than normal value for the minor races.

I would bet that most players would be thrilled to play a campaign that begins in 2364-2375 as that would encompass the STTNG and Deep Space Nine series.

If there is an editor or command that allows this in the Android version that is available on Google Play, I would be willing to spend the 500+ hours required to set it up. Then you could include those save game files with a newer update. Please think about it. That has much more of a draw to players than starting new campaigns.

I could also create what logically existed in 2151-2161 which is the beginning for Star Trek Enterprise. That would take a fraction of the time. That map would look differently as that is a Pre-Federation map. It can be seen here.

The wiki includes a vague cheat clue about reloading saves which allows the human player to play as other empires and cancel their actions and thus gives the player a head start as they progress. So at least at one time there was a way to reload and play as other empires.

I hope this is possible as it would be an interesting gift I could give back to the community. I'm glad to do this as I have the time right now to commit to the project.

A highres version of the map can be found here.
Zuletzt geändert von UesugiKenshin am Donnerstag 2. April 2020, 02:29, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: round about BotE for Android

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

After I found the apk and extracted the files, under assets/data/races there are major and minor race text files. So it appears you can preplace sectors under various ownerships as preset values for turn #1. If that is so, then this is not that complicated but the starting treasuries would have to be adjusted so there are not immediate cashflow issues.

I think the initial values I used for the mod were the following
The Federation has 70+ sectors (but a lot of headaches).
The Klingons had 60 sectors.
The Romulans had 60 sectors.
The Cardassians had 45 sectors.
The Borg had 10 sectors. (The Ferengi actually control less systems and so would be better as a minor race defending those planets. You could also have the Xiborg as just mighty defenders as a minor race).

I suppose the map must be generated first, then populate the sectors as follows.

I think using preset map locations of sectors under their control with a decent treasury and starting plausible infrastructure, ships, and troops is very doable on a 40 x 40 irregular map with a large number of minor races and some anomalies.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: round about BotE for Android

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

The Dominion while militarily powerful actually control a fraction of minor races and actual territory beyond what they claim as territory. Their distance deep in the Gamma quadrant limits their expansion across the wormhole.

There are limited maps of their actual controlled sectors. Having territory is far different than have powerhouse infrastructure to generate invasion forces.

Similarly the Borg are actually deep in the Delta quadrant, thus while resistance is futile, they merely sent a few ships to assimilate technology and can't really launch a full scale invasion...even with humongous ranges due to the transwarp conduit.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: round about BotE for Android

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

I'm proposing that a map be generated with the following settings as a test.
major and minor
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Where an irregular galaxy at a map array of 40x40 (1600 potential sectors) with 100 % used with every major race activated. Then the minor races at the maximum level but showing up 33% of the time with a small number of anomalies.

This uses the existing star names from the data/assets/star folder within the starnames.txt file.

Then uses the existing minor race files.
Der Dateianhang major and minor existiert nicht mehr.
But utilizes many of the other unused star names as presets for these major races as starting positions. I would populate about 255 of them if not already used by the minor races. Many of them likely get membership and or subjugation to effectively subsume them within those six race empires. It may be that only 20 stars/sectors need to be preset as other minor races become members or get subjugated.

Memory Alpha would be my source of likely systems/sectors under these empires reach or control as members.

I think people would love these as save games because right away there are many things to do versus starting bare bones from turn#1. There would be multiple save game files at various difficulty levels and as each of the major races. Any of them would be thrilling as it would take in excess of 230+ turns to achieve this perhaps as much as 400+ turns otherwise.

I could do it by Star Trek eras from Enterprise or TOS or STTNG or Deep Space Nine and emulating maps that already exist. Then populating appropriate infrastructure and ship/troop levels.

It would be superb. I would think every Star Trek fan with an Android tablet would love to play it. It would be supremely addicting. Historical lore would change due to varying techtree progression plus the terraforming rate though. You could have large fleet battles much sooner.

The economy and cashflow (buildings needed) versus treasury will be tricky to fine tune versus supported units. Also this means toggling on advanced techtree acquisition based on the appropriate era.
Zuletzt geändert von UesugiKenshin am Donnerstag 2. April 2020, 05:13, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
Chrome and Opera autotranslates German.
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Registriert: Montag 26. Mai 2014, 15:05

Re: round about BotE for Android

Beitrag von blotunga »

While there is no official multiplayer build, at least for the PC I did make a release with MP enabled. You can find it somewhere in the forums. If not, I can make one when I have time. With multiplayer, you can play all races at the same time :D
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Registriert: Dienstag 31. März 2020, 03:51

Re: round about BotE for Android

Beitrag von UesugiKenshin »

blotunga hat geschrieben: Donnerstag 2. April 2020, 05:05 While there is no official multiplayer build, at least for the PC I did make a release with MP enabled. You can find it somewhere in the forums. If not, I can make one when I have time. With multiplayer, you can play all races at the same time :D
Would you consider releasing that on google play, Sir? Otherwise I can't run it on my Android tablet. If so, then I could use the brute force method of playing through say 200+ turns as all six major races to expand and then save these and maybe that would work as save games as I proposed. That is effectively 1200 turns, so perhaps two weeks of work.

And then would that be compatible with the current revision such that it would load the save games? I doubt it.

Whenever you find the time, it would make a fine series of advanced save files.

With a large screen shot or shots of a map as I proposed, I think the star system presets idea is far simpler, but the flaw would be an adequate economy and techtree. Or even with the basic techtree, it would be unlikely to begin with 20 systems per major race given only 1000 credits to even begin making a food supply. I could have a basic farm, industrial center, research building, and titanium mine going as presets but the upkeep costs will likely falter versus the initial 1000 credits.
Minor Race Database ... r_(Minors)
Minor Race Ships ... nen_Völker
Chrome and Opera autotranslates German.

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